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      uhm ykkkk spicy mature chapter ¬.¬

       "I don't mean, I don't know I'm not good with words you know this." He sighs. What the actual fuck. How in the planet of ice tea and all things good.

       "Your confusing me. give yourself a second to figure it out." After everything that has happend tonight, I don't think my brain will be able to process this. Whatever 'this' is, stupid fucking situations.

      "I believe what im trying to say is that weve known each other a long bloody fucking time, and I wouldnt be opposed to being in a relationship with you." He wraps his hand around his neck looking up and out of the car.

     "I wouldnt be opposed to being in a relation blah blah blah!" I yell in a mocking tone. "We havent seen each other in in five fucking years Simon! Now you want to just jump into a relationship? Sure yeah if you werent with me today id probably be dead, no ones denying it but do you even remember anything about me?"  He scoffs and looks towards me.

     "Your favourite colour is green, your afraid of thunderstorms but love to sit outside and watch the lighting shine throught the sky while the rain falls on your face. You hate green tea when you make it yourself but but you love it when you buy it premade. I remember everything, every stupid conversation that you thought I ignored I remmeber them all." Fuck now I feel like an ass, I never expected him to actually remmeber anyhting I guess its because I assumed he forgot about me.

   "Sorry..." I whisper under my breath. I hear him start laughing I look over at him and see hes taking his mask off. He has a few scars not to many. But god damn is he ever absolutly handsome.

   "You know your always getting mad at me saying im the asshole but mare, your always jumping to your fucking conclusions." He stops and stares at me. Thats it? I mean I know im an asshole but thats rude to leave off on. "Thats what I love about you, that is what I have always loved about you." Oh. Wow ok never mind I appreciate that. "God I just love you. I tried so hard to find out what task force you were apart of I needed to be with you again." Keep your emotions in you fucking loser, dont cry just because he loves you.

   "I love you too, and I'm sorry I've been an asshole. I dont know why im being like this I feel bad." I feel his hand on my cheek and next thing I know I'm leaning in to kiss him. I miss the feeling of his hands on me, his lips on mine, or even on my neck. I miss the way we made each other feel. 
    "You've always been my favourite asshole so you have nothing to apologize for." he starts kissing down my jaw to my neck. Fucking hell, i let my hands do there business which is to put my hands on his head to play with his hair. After a few seconds of him kissing my neck my seat falls back making me squeel in surprise. Simon climbs on top of me letting his hands run over my body as we kiss each other. Memories of that night are all coming rushing back. All the small promises he made me inbetween kisses and all the big promises he made while inside me.

   "Mmmm fuck." He sits up a bit and starts patting his pants and his chest. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Do you have a uhm you know." I laugh and reach into my bra and hand him the condom that Price makes me bring everywhere. He rolls his eyes.

    "Your a very pretty young lady (Y/N) i know damn well if you want to have sex you'll be able to so take this thing everywhere." I mock price as best as i can completely butchering the accent because of my own. He laughs and sits back into his own seat in the car.

   "Well get on already." I laugh and climb over him and straddle his lap having to duck a slight bit because of how low the roof is. he unzips his pants and pulls on my pants. "You dont have like a zipper with access to your underwear do you?" I look at him confused. I realize what means and I start to pull my pants off. Once they are off he grabs his member out of his pants. Seeing it is a lot scarier now then it was five years ago. Maybe its because i just saw the people who made me afraid of sex. "You okay?" I nod and smile. I grab the Condom from him and slide it on. I give his member   a few fast pump before putting it to my entrance. "Wet for me yeah?" I blush.

   "Would you rather i be dry like sandpaper?" I laugh. He places his hands on my hips as he slowly pushes me down making me take him all in. i let out a small whimper as my pussy stretches around him. I missed this feeling so much that it feels a million times better then it did five years ago.

   "Fucking hell." he breaths out, he grabs the back of me head pulling me back into another kiss. Slowly his hips start moving up hitting against mine. As his pace quickens i cant help but moan loudly, the louder i get the harder his slams get. He moves his hand and puts his thumb on clit rubbing it slightly while pushing the rest of his hand into my lower stomach.

   "I cant go much longer im going to come." I moan into his shoulder. He bites down on my neck and starts thrusting faster sending me straight into my orgasm. I moan loudly as simon gives me a few more thrusts before coming as well.

  "Fuck i missed that, now we can do it whenever you want." Simon says I smile and pull my pants back up getting back into my seat. 

   "thank you Simon, I love you."


Thats my first time writting something like this so my woopsies

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