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    As we walk into the house I feel everyone tense as I turn into the living room. I hope that they realize I'm not scary even when I'm mad. I sit down as everyone walks into the room. Gaz jumps over and into the chair, soap rolls over the back of the couch and lays next to me, Price sits on the rocking chair, and Ghost is standing next in front of us. 

    “Alright, there are a few things I need to say to you (Y/N).” He suggested rubbing the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and glare at him. “And all I want to say is I'm sorry, But I have no clue why you are mad at me, or how I abandoned you.” He explains. I start laughing at him.

    “You went on your stupid fucking mission which was only supposed to take two to three months. After two months I ran into Major Vernon and I questioned him on why he was back, he told me you guys had finished the mission and that everyone had gone home.” I take a deep breath to keep myself calm, “I waited so long for you to come back to me and you never came back, I waited an entire fucking year!” 

   “He did what?” Price looks at me with his eyes wide.

       “Completed the mission? That's bullshit, we never even got out of mexico. Vernon betrayed us. He surrendered us to Roba!” He’s yelling at me now, “For over three months Roba and his men tried brainwashing me and my crew, and yeah they fucking broke hardcore. They became a part of his team, but I didn't. I stayed strong because I wanted to see my family again, I wanted to see you again! They buried me alive, literally. I had to dig my way out with some dead guys' jaw bone. When I got out I went to find my family. They were dead so I assumed you were dead to and just fucking spiraled. I killed him, and his men.” He's finally finished, I'm staring at him in complete awe. I can't believe I was lied to. 

     “I was lied to? I was left in the fucking dark for ten years?” I'm trying so hard not to cry. That's one thing only Simon and Nile knew about me is that when I'm overwhelmed or very angry I cry. “God Simon, I'm so sorry, I dont… I don't know.” I just sit there staring at him as he walks over to me, he puts his hand out for me. I grab it and he pulls me into a firm hug. “I hate you.” he scoffs and squeezes me tighter. 

    “Yeah I hate you too.'' He lets go and sits down next to Soap both of them move over to give me some room to sit with them. 

   “How about we watch a movie?” Alejandro says waving the remote in the air. We all say yes and he starts scrolling through the different shows on netflix. After twenty minutes of looking for a movie we decided to watch Top Gun: Maverick. We are one and a half hours in and I'm feeling very tired. After another few minutes I'm dead asleep. 


     “Well good morning sleepy heads!” Price says excitedly, Alejandro pulls open the blinds. I wake up to Simons arm around my waist and Johnnys arms wrapped around my legs. I wipe my eyes and roll off the couch. I stretch out waking my stiff limbs up when I smell the sweetness of maple syrup and the bitterness of coffee. I roll onto my stomach and put my face into the floor. 

   “Fucking hell its way to early.” Simon says, looking at his watch. I look up at him and try looking at his watch. Johnny shows me his phone, five thirty am. I groan loudly and slam my head down. 

     “Come on, start getting ready! We have a mission to attend!” Alejandro says almost too brightly.

   “I swear you guys are all dead to me for waking me up this early.” I spat at them.

    “Cant hate me and Simon to much we kept your shivering ass warm all night.” He smirks at me, making everyone laugh. I stand up and turn very slowly towards him. I throw a pillow at his face, making everyone laugh. 

    “I hope you drown in a river of your own shit and tears Mactavish!” I snap and turn towards the kitchen. Once we are all done eating and drinking our coffee. Price gives us a quick debriefing of our mission then sends us off to go and get dressed. My bed looks so unbelievably comfortable and I want to just flop on it and die. But I can't. I grab the rest of my gear and head down to the jeep. 

     “Tha mi cho fucking sgith.” I hiss as Soap laughs at my clear discomfort.

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now