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     I’m sneaking up the stairs of the safe house with Soap as someone grabs my shoulders and slams me against the wall. The man is holding a knife and tries jabbing it into the side of my neck. I dodge and pull out my knife before he gets shot right in the side of his head. As he hits the ground I look over at Soap to see him standing in confusion.

    “Nice shot Ghost.” Price exclaims through the headset. I roll my eyes as we continue through the house, Soap takes down three guys while I take down two. Once we get to the main room I bust the door down and we start shooting everyone we can. Sometimes we dodge between tables, chairs, or couches. 


    "Well now that we are done with our mission and have very few injuries, shall we go get some dinner?” Gaz asks all of us. I don't say anything and wait for everyone's answers. “Alright sounds good! Where should we go? We can do Fancy or just Takeout.” 

    “We should go get something fancy, we just had a successful mission and some people got reunited. We have stuff to celebrate!” Soap babbles. We have nothing to celebrate. We are all tired. I don't understand why they are so damn happy. As we are driving back to the house everyone chooses different songs to blare on the speakers, when it comes to my turn I chose ‘Dancing with your ghost by Sahsa Sloan.’ I listen to this song when I'm either sad or overly tired. Soap looks over at me and sees me struggling to keep my eyes open. 

    “Hey stay awake, sing the song with me.”    Soap demands, I shake my head and look out the window. I slightly close my eyes trying to rest for a few minutes. “Hey I said stay awake.” Soap snaps and wacks my knee. 

    “Fuck off Nile!” I yell at him. I notice    everyone looking towards me and Price looking at me through the mirror. Shit… I can't believe I just said that..

    “Nightmare… Whose Nile?” Gaz looks at me weirdly. 

   “Uhm no one I don't know what you're talking about.” I look back outside trying to forget I said that.

   We are now back at the house, once I get out of the jeep I get inside and runn up to my room.
   "DAMN IT!" I scream and kick my dresser. Why the fuck would i say that? That so embarrasing. I'm covering my face and sitting in the corner of my room. theres a knock at my door followed by someone opening my door. "Go away, I didnt say you could come in!" I yelp and throw a shirt at whoever it is.

   "Hey its ok stop it." Ghost dejected. He slowly walks towards me and sits in front of me. "Now what was that about? I havent seen you do that since we were in year three."

    "I know... I honestly dont know what i was thinking saying that. Soap really reminds me of him, hes always trying to protect me he always jokes around with me." I sigh and put my head against my wall, "I dont know.. maybe im going crazy."

   "Your definetly not going crazy, you just found someone who is your bestfriend that you trust with your life. You were like that with Nile of course your going to think of him." He explains standing up and putting his hand out for me. I grab it and he pulls me up and makes me sit on my bed. He lays down beside me. "Calm down ok? No one is mad at you its not a big deal." I smile and nod when my phone suddenly starts ringing. Its an unknown numnber so i answer it.

     "Uhm hello?"

     "(Y/N)?" Some woman says on the other end of the phone.

    "Yes?" I say completely confused.

     "Oh good! Hi sweety its your mom!" No. NO NO NO NO. My eyes widen and fill with tears making Ghost shoot up.

     "Hi Mom how did you get my number?" I force a cheery tone but im really trying not to scream.

     "Oh you know, we have friends!" She says giggling, "We found out your supposed to be in aberdeen tonight, we would love for you to come see all of us."

     "Im sorry I already have plans."  I say with relief. Price then opens my door, of course he always makes the worst timing.

     "You can cancel (Y/N) go do whatver you want. Ghost you coming for dinner?" Price asks, Ghost shakes his head no.

    "I'll come but only if i can bring someone." I say looking Ghosts direction, He slowly nods at me.

    "Oh well who is it?" She asks. shit... what do I say. FUCK!

    "Its my boyfriend!" I shout. Fuck I didnt mean to say that... Of all things. Hes my boyfriend? He stares at me with wide eyes giving me the impression he's shocked.

    "Well then yes sweety of course he can come." She exclaims, "Alright see you later sweety, goodbye." She hangs up on me.

    "Im your boyfriend now?" He asks cheerily. I blush and flop off my bed and onto the floor. He leans over and pulls be back up.

     "I dont want to see them... I need you to stay with me, do not leave me the whole time." I demand staring at him. He nods and leaves to his room to get ready. I start getting ready as well, putting on some cargo pants with a purple lace tank top. For my hair I just did a quick high messy bun and my makeup is just mascara and highlighter.

     "Ready?" I turn around to see Ghost holding car keys wearing cargo pants and a sweater with a different mask on. I nod and walk towards my door looking back at my room to make sure I have everything I need. Once we get into the car we start driving to the given address. Once we arrive we see an absolutly distryed house, the one I used to live at. Ghost is looking at me with sorrow and disgust in his eyes.

    "tha seo tàmailteach." I whisper under my breath.

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now