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"Well... Shall we go inside?" He asks gently. I sigh and nod my head, grabbing my knife out of my bag and sticking it in my boot. No matter who's here with me, I don't trust anyone in that house. Once we get out we start walking up to the door. "I'm not trying to freak you out but I have a bad feeling about this." He whispers to me.

"It's fine, places like this are meant to scare people away." I knock on the door

and wait for someone to open the door. When no one pushes open the door, the smell of

something putrid hits both of us in the face. "What the fuck is that?" I say trying not to

gag. He walks in ahead of me, he looks around and then stops dead in his tracks. "Fucking hell..." He turns and looks at me, "We need to leave." I raise my eyebrow and go to push past him. Oh my god.. My sister is laying on the ground with blood pouring from her head, my mom is sitting in her chair with her throat slit open, Chariet has his organs spread all over the ground.

"Hey Leannan." I hear a familiar voice and an even more familiar laugh. I turn around to see my uncle and my father standing by the kitchen covered in blood.

"For fuck sakes, killed your wife and your kid and you killed your kid to? What so you can rape and abuse me again?" I started laughing hysterically. Ghost looks at me as he slowly grabs his gun out of his belt. Ghost slowly backs away to go and get behind both of them, I have to find a distraction. "Hey fuckers wanna hear a joke?" I laugh.

"Where's your boyfriend, leannan?" my uncle asks.

"What has two legs and bleeds?" Ghost says, he sneaks up and stabs my father in the neck while he bashes a bottle over my uncle's head. I walk over and Ghost hands me the gun.

"Half a fucking dog." I say as I shoot him in the head. I turn and walk out of the house and walk back to the car. "Thanks for the greatest night of my life, sorry if it wasn't your ideal night." I laugh.

"Fucking hell what are you talking about that was so much fun." He raved, "And we even have a few hours to spare, wanna go for a drive?" He asks and starts the car.

"Blare music...?" I smirk. He nods and grabs the AUX cord out, plugging in his phone and handing it to me.

We are driving up a dark windy road when all of sudden he takes a sharp turn. I turn and look at him with a confused look, he turns the music up louder and keeps looking forward. I roll my eyes, this song genuinely sucks. Actually it fucking sucks I dont even know how it ended up in my playlist. I grab my phone and go back into Spotify, choosing an even better song, one that won't make me want to grab this steering wheel and drive us into the hill. As I'm searching for good music I see '13 missed calls by Zach Hood.' We pull up to the top of the hill when Ghost puts the car in park and opens the hood of his car. My dumbass never even realized it was a convertible, id bas mura robh an siostam taic agam. He turns down the music before putting his seat back, I do the same.

"It's nice tonight. You know aside from walking into a triple homicide then killing two people ourselves." I laugh, tonight has had so much in it for me. Actually the last few days have. I was reunited with an old best friend, we went on a successful mission, I killed what was left of my family. Just some you know... fun?

"Eh, not the first time I've done it." His thick accent fills my ears making my head feel fuzzy.

"Right cause you've killed and witnessed your whole family dead?" I look at him with a smile and a joking tone.

"Witnessed yes, killed? No never." Shit.. Now I feel like an idiot. "Not a big deal though, it's definitely not something I tell lots of people. But you remember how my dad and brother were?" He asks.

"I mean considering I've only heard stories, yes I do but not really. I remember your dad cheated on your mom before Mexico, and how you kicked him out."

"Yeah, when I went back to my home to visit my family Robas' men had killed them all. My mom, my brother, my sister in law... my nephew." He pauses before he says the last one. I had no idea he had went through the torture let alone finding his family slaughtered.

"I'm so sorry Simon... if there's anything I can do for you ever, you know i'm here right?" He looks at me and nods. His eyes are full of an emotion I can't decipher, I don't think I want to decipher it.

"I know, and I thank you for that." he sits up and pulls his mask up just over his nose, he takes a drink while I try to mention every feature I can see. "Do you remember the night before the mission?" Of course I remember that night, I was so afraid I would lose him. I didn't leave his side the whole day, and pretty much the whole night.

"You know damn well I remember every single minute of it, why?" I giggled. I've never told anyone what happened, not even Johnny and he's my best friend.

"Just making sure, I have to figure out how to make you forget that night." He responds.

"Wow, ok I see." I scoff, "You know Simon you are such a fucking asshole, you never even think about."

"For fuck sakes Nightmare, let me think for a god damn minute." He snaps. I roll my eyes and look away from him. He sits his chair back up and closes the roof, turns the headlights off and puts the music back on. 'Closer by 9 Inch Nails.' His music taste will never change. "Thought of something. I also didn't mean because I didn't enjoy that night, I meant because you need a better memory that you'll never forget.

"I uhm what?"

"You heard me Mare." And there's the nickname, I've wasted five years to be called that again. For fuck sakes, I dont even remember the last time ive done something like this. Actually I do, it was that night five years ago. Ive never let another man touch me like that.

"You're so... I don't even know at this point." I sigh, "You know I don't like no strings attached shit."

"Who said there were no strings attached?" I blush, HOLY SHIT! Two days ago i thought he abandoned me, now he's basically saying he wants a relationship?

SOOOOOOOOO i like making my stories eventful and kinda traumataic, even though this is the first one ive actually published.... But its ok ¬.¬

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now