Chapter 16: Grace's P.O.V

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Today is Friday and I'm meeting Misha at Starbucks after school. Towards the end of 8th period, I can barely wait for the bell to ring. I count down the seconds and run out of the classroom as soon as it rings. I go to my locker, pack up my book bag (which by the way is a Supernatural one I got at Hot Topic), and walk outside with Angie and Sophia to our bus. Angie sits next to me and tells me something. "What are you gonna say to Misha?" "I don't's hard to start a conversation since I'm trying not to fangirl." I reply smiling. "You should talk about your favorite bands and normal things." she says laughing. I guess you could call her my wing-woman. Never mind that sounds really weird.

Anyways, as I get off at my bus stop Sophia yells, "Good luck!" and puts both her thumbs up. I giggle and hop off the bus. When I walk in my house, my mom is in the living room watching Sherlock. "Hey mom!" I say, giving her a hug. She smiles and asks,
"So, when do you have to leave to go see Misha?" "Around 5:30, so I have almost three hours." I reply. I go upstairs to my room and finish up my homework. I don't understand why teachers have to give homework over the weekends. For the next half hour, I text Sophia. My mom comes up to tell
me I should start getting ready. She expects me to dress up, like it's some fancy date. It's Starbucks. And not even a date! I set my phone down and pick out an outfit. I decide on black leggings and my Captain America tank top. It's 5:00 by the time I finish putting my hair into a braid. Before I leave my room, I grab my glasses, almost forgetting them. I say bye to my mom and head to my car. In about 20 minutes, I pull into the parking lot of Starbucks. I open the front doors and smell the aroma of coffee. Almost as soon as I walk in, I spot Misha sitting at a two person table by the window. I wave and he waves back. He walks towards me and pulls me into a warm hug. "Hello. I'm Castiel, Angel Of The Lord." he says in his Cas voice. I giggle at his dorkiness. "Hey Cas." I reply, playing along. We both laugh and go into line. "So, how are you?" Misha asks me. "I've been great! How about you?" I reply. "Even better now that you're here." he says, with a cute smile on his face. I can tell my face is really red. He laughs and says, "I like your glasses." I giggle and say thanks. Eventually it's our turn. "What would you two like?" the cashier asks. "Can I have a Smore's Frappuccino?" I ask. "And you?" she asks Misha. "I'll have the same." he answers. "Names?"
"Misha and Grace." I say. We grab our drinks and walk back to the table. I notice an extremely pretty lady checking out Misha. Suddenly I feel jealous. Before I know it, she walks over to Misha and starts talking flirting with him. I can tell he's bothered by this. "Excuse me, my boyfriend and I are trying to have our drinks in peace. So can you leave us alone?" I tell her, letting my sass overtake me. She looks very embarrassed before walking away. Misha looks at me like I just saved his life. "Sorry I called you my boyfriend, she was just being annoying." I say to him awkwardly. "It's okay, I don't mind." he replies grinning. We leave after that and he asks me if I wanted watch a movie at his house. "I'd love to!" I answer. When we get there, I see his house is humongous. "Wow, nice place." I say. "Thanks!" he replies. He grabs my hand and leads me to his living room, where I see a flat screen tv. "Do you like scary movies?" Misha asks. "Yes! They're my favorite!" Misha laughs and we eventually decide to watch "Insidious". He grabs blankets and pillows and we make a big fort. We made a comfy spot in the middle for us, where we can lean back on cushions. I sit next to him, but not too close, like half a foot away. Misha starts the movie. The one scene is really scary so I scoot up closer to him. Then, there's a jump scare. I accidentally jump back and Misha laughs. "Don't laugh, it's scary!" I say, sounding like a child, but I still giggle. He puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his chest. My eyes start to shut and I drift off into a deep sleep.

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