Chapter 77: (Grace's POV)

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//Road Trip

My jeep is completely filled with boxes, containers, and bags of tons of different things, all the way from board games to toothbrushes. Misha insisted that he drives for the first few hours since I actually put the trip together. I look over at him and see a cute little smile plastered on his face. I didn't think he would be this happy about it.

The drive from here (Sacramento, CA) to Hollywood is an estimated six hours, leaving us just an hour of daylight when we arrive there. However, we'll have the whole next day to do whatever we want.

Surprisingly, the six hours go by fairly quick. The two of us, Misha exhausted and I carsick, take our bags into the hotel that we are staying at for the night. I brought a journal with me to jot down our adventures on the road trip, I can't wait to write in it.

We cuddle up on the comfortable queen-sized bed and, after looking out of the window at the beautiful overlook of Hollywood, soon fall asleep.

Day One: (A/N These are Grace's journal entries)

Misha and I woke up early this morning, at around 8:00. The two of us first drove around Hollywood just to enjoy the scenery and take photographs.
After that, we headed to Universal Studios and had the time of our lives. It was a little hard to get around with Misha's oxygen tank, but you should have seen the smile on his face. He was so happy. Now we're driving back to the hotel, holding hands and singing along to a song on the radio. Another perfect day awaits us.

Day Five:

After the one and a half day drive, we had finally arrived in Washington D.C, at 2 in the morning. We stayed at a hotel on our way to our destination and once again stayed at one when we got there. Lots of hotels means lots of money, which I am willing to spend for Misha. The next morning we went to the White House, Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument to take tons of pictures. We ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. We saw cherry blossoms planted all throughout Washington D.C. It was another great day. We spent two days there since there was so many amazing things to see. Now we're driving along a quiet road, Misha and I laughing and enjoying each other's presence.

Day Eight:

Three days later and we were in my favorite place in the world, New York City. The tall building, bright lights, and bustling streets really completed our road trip, making it even better than I could have imagined. Something about the city made me feel peace. Like the way I feel when I'm with Misha.

We started our fun-filled with a Big Bus tour, where someone drove us, and other tourists, around Times Square in..well, a big bus. Next, we visited the Statue of Liberty. It overlooked the most beautiful sight. After lunch, the Empire State Building is where the two of us went next. I have a fear of heights so it wasn't very enjoyable, but as long as Misha is happy, I am too. Finally, with a few hours of our day left, we go to Coney Island. I think I ate a little too much funnel cake. New York City was incredible, and spending the day with Misha made it even greater.

Day 11:

The drive home is only an hour away. For an eleven day trip, Misha and I did so much. They were probably some the best days of my life. As I'm writing this, Misha is thanking me. "Seriously, I couldn't have asked for anything better." he says. I sneak another glance at him. I always do that now, almost to make sure he's still with me. Cause one day he might just..die. I try not to think of that, but it's the hardest thing in the world not to. I'm so glad we had this trip together though.

It's almost comforting that, in Misha's dying moments, he'll remember this trip and the extraordinary time we had.

So did you all like the journal entry idea? I tried to write a long chapter because of the two day wait for an update. Thank you for reading!

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