Chapter 22: Misha's P.O.V

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I'm inviting Jensen and Jared over tomorrow night, along with their wives and children. I texted Grace and told her she can come too. I can't believe that we're dating. I mean, it's hard to think when I'm around her. She just makes me so nervous, but happy at the same time.
I'm sitting on my bed with headphones in listening to Grace's playlist. I told her to send the songs to me because I really liked them all. Tomorrow, I have a comic con a couple hours away from here. I have to leave my house by 6:00. Before I know it, Iv'e drifted off into a deep sleep.
My alarm rings at 5:00. I groan and turn on my side. I must have fell asleep with the music on because the headphones jerk my phone off the bed. I sit up and set it on my desk. I put on a pair of jeans and my Always Keep Fighting t-shirt. I quickly smooth down my hair and grab my phone. By 5:40 I'm in my car and starting it up. I text Grace good morning and head out to the convention center. My phone buzzes and I check it on a red light. Grace texted me and said, "Holy crap you wake up early. See you later❤️."
I smile and set down my phone.
I arrive at the convention center a long while later and pull into the reserved area. I enter through the back door and find some of the cast. "Hey bud." Jensen says, smiling. Jared walks up from behind me and I see he's wearing one of my trench coats from set. "Hey moose." I say, laughing. We walk out and go to our tables, where we take pictures and sign stuff. The fans start crowding in about ten minutes later. About 200 pictures/autographs later, we have our hour long panel, which is always my favorite. We do karaoke, dance, and Q&A.
It's over earlier, around 4:30. I say bye to Jensen and Jared and head home. I get there at 6:30 and pick up pizza. I get two large pizzas with a couples of packs of Coca Cola. Once I set all the food out, I clean up my living room and put Netflix on, playing Supernatural from season 1.
First, Jensen and Daneel come, with their daughter JJ. And then Jared with Genevieve and his sons Thomas and Shephard. And finally, Grace comes in, wearing a black tank top with a plaid cardigan, along with a pair of black skinny jeans. She smiles at me and walks in. "Hey Gracie." I say, putting my arm around her. I kiss her forehead and she says, "Hey!" She wraps her arms around my waist and holds me tight. We walk into the living room holding hands and everyone looks up. Grace looks a little nervous. "This is Grace." I say, grinning. Jensen walks up and gives her a hug, I told him she was a huge fan. I can tell she's holding in her excitement. Jared walks up also and gives her a hug. He's so much taller than her. She looks around 5'6. Jensen introduces her to Daneel and JJ, and Jared introduces her to Gen, Thomas, and Shephard. We all sit down on my wrap around couch and start eating the pizza. I walk to my fridge and open it up. Inside, I grab a coke for Grace that says "Share a Coke With Your Sweetheart." I show Grace the can and hand it to her. She giggles and kisses my cheek. For the next couple of hours we play games, talk, eat, and have a really great time. Jensen and Jared have to head out because it's their kids' bedtime. We say goodbye and they leave. Grace and I are left sitting on the couch next to each other. She lays down and rests her head on my lap. I grab her hand and smile at her. I look at her eyes, which are a mixture of green and blue. She checks the time, it's 9:00. "Aw, I gotta go." she says, sitting up. "Before you go, I wanted to know if when you get out of school, we could go out, like on a date. I'll take you anywhere you wanna go." I reply, smiling. "Of course I would. Love you." she says, giving me a tight hug. "I love you too." I say. She gets up and we have on more hug before leaving. I smile to myself, thinking how lucky I am to be with her.

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