Chapter 38: Misha's P.O.V

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We've finally reached the halfway mark of filming season 11, meaning we have a little celebration. It's just the cast and filming crew at a building they rented out, but has a lot of food and a TV to re-watch the episodes we finished filming already. I'm allowed to take one person that's not involved with the show. I'll obviously be bringing Grace.

I drive to Grace's house without telling her beforehand. I knock on the door, hoping she'll be able to come to the "party" with me. Grace answers the door, a smile appearing on her face when she sees me.
She immediately hugs me and I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey cutie." I say.

"Im glad you came." Grace replies

"I have a question." I state as the two of us walk inside.

"And what is your question?" she asks, grinning.

"Would you do me the honor of being my date to the season 11 celebration party?" I ask.

"Wait, really?? Yeah of course!" she replies enthusiastically.

I tell her we'll have to leave in two hours. She walks up to her room and I follow her.

"What should I wear?" Grace asks.

"I don't think you should be taking fashion advice from me." I admit.

She just giggles and opens up her closet. After about ten minutes of her trying on outfits, I finally decide on one...jean shorts with a plaid flannel that fits her nicely.
Grace walks over to her mirror, fixing her hair and outfit. She sighs sadly, clearly not happy about her looks.

"You look gorgeous baby." I tell her, really meaning it.

"You're the sweetest person ever. I love you." she answers, a big smile on her face.
I gently press my lips against hers before saying, "Ready to go?"
She nods and we walk out the front door and in my car.
Mrs. Howell is out with her friends so Grace texts her where she's going.
I put in some of Grace's favorite CD's and we listen to them on the way there.

We arrive at the building that was rented out in about forty minutes, just as everyone starts coming.
The two of us walk hand in hand looking for Jensen and Jared. We finally spot them talking at the far of the room.
They see us and start waving..then jumping up and down acting like lunatics. Which they are of course.
All of us talk for a while, but eventually head over to a large table in the middle of the room to get some food.
After that we start watching some episodes from season 11, making sure there's nothing that needs fixed.
I can tell Grace is extremely excited, since she gets to see every single person involved in "Supernatural".

But now it's getting pretty late and people are starting to leave. As Grace and I are about to leave, Robert Singer runs over to us.

"I've been looking for you two all night!" he says.

"Well, here we are!" I reply laughing.

"I have a question for your girlfriend here." Robert says, looking at Grace.

"Ask away!" Grace answers, grinning.

"Would you like to act in some episodes of season 11?"

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