Chapter 58:

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Misha and Grace just got home from the hospital after a long, exhausting week. In their opinion, Cassandra is probably the most beautiful baby in the world. She has the brightest blue eyes, adorable dimples, and a very little amount of dark brown hair. So far, she hasn't cried too much, leaving Misha and Grace quite happy.

Grace decided to do the first two years of college instead of all four. She finally got her dream job as a veterinarian but has to take a good few months off because of the baby. Misha couldn't be more proud of her.

Sophia and Angie are over for a little get-together. It has been forever since Grace had seen her best friends. The three of them, plus Misha, are sitting on Grace's deck, laughing and having a great time. They decide to go swimming since it's scorching hot and Grace's mom agreed to watch Cassandra.

When Misha gets some alone time with his girlfriend, he whispers, "Remember when we had our first kiss in this pool?"

"How could I forget?" Grace answers, kissing him. The two haven't had much time together lately because they are focused on taking care of Cass.

Although Grace doesn't know it, Misha is planning to propose to her soon. He wants to live his whole life with her until his dying breath.

And Grace has never been in love with someone so much, she couldn't imagine living without him.

The odd thing is that Grace is a shy fangirl and Misha is an outgoing, hilarious, and crazy human being. I guess it's true, opposites attract.

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