Chapter 65: (Misha's POV)

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*two weeks before wedding*

In the late hours of the night, I lie on a bed in the hotel I am staying in for a while;trying to fall asleep. I'll be staying in Texas for a comic con- one of the last ones until the cast has a bit of a break. I should be back at least a week before Grace and I's wedding.

I eventually feel my eyes closing and soon after doze off....

I jolt up out of the bed, gasping for air.

"What is happening?!" I think.

My lungs close up and I look in the mirror only to see my face turning blue.

I dial 911 as quickly as I can and manage to whisper, "I-I can't..breathe.."

I drop the phone and try to calm down.
An endless stream of tears fall down my cheeks as I'm left nearly dying on the hotel room floor.

Thankfully, minutes later, several ambulances show up at the hotel. I'm rushed to the nearest hospital. On the way there, they attach this oxygen tank thing to my mouth to help me breathe.

It helps.

My heart rate slows down.

*a couple hours later*

I wake up from my unconsciousness only to see I'm lying on a hospital bed, with a cannula that wraps around my ears and perches on my nose- it's attached to an oxygen tank.

"He's awake." I hear the nurses tell a doctor.

"Mr. Collins..we have some updates
on your medical situation. What happened was, your lungs filled up with liquid. We've ran multiple tests and all results have leaded to one thing...thyroid cancer in your lungs. Now, no need to be worried-you'll be okay. However, the condition of your lungs will need further tests to see if you are healthy enough to live a full life." a doctor tells me.

It's all too much information to take in.
How will I tell my family? Friends? What about my Gracie? I might not even be able to live a full life?

I become sad, frustrated, and angry at the same time. My emotions overwhelm my senses so I just take a deep breath and fall back into a deep sleep; while dreaming of Grace.

I really hope this chapter is okay for you all. I am genuinely sorry that I haven't been updating. I'll make it up to you :)
Thank you for reading! Keep voting and messaging me for feedback and ideas!❤️

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