Chapter 57:

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August 26th 2016:
(A/N This is 9 months later where Grace will have her baby soon.)

Grace lies in bed watching reality TV while shoving her face with chocolate. It's the week that her baby should be due. Misha and Grace found out their baby will be a girl. Her name will be Cassandra Rose Collins. Grace insisted that name so the two of them could call her Cass for short.

Grace hasn't slept much lately because Cassandra has been kicking her stomach nonstop. Misha is overhyped by the idea of being a father. He spent loads of money buying a crib, clothes, bottles, diapers, and stuff for her room.
Misha and Grace painted Cassandra's room baby blue, like Misha's eyes. They decorated it with a couple Supernatural posters. Grace's mother did not like that idea because she doesn't want Cassie to grow up and be satanic or something. Although neither Grace or Misha listened.

Misha walks up the stairs quietly, trying not to make Grace's headache worse.

He opens the door and whispers, "Are you holdin' up okay babe?"

Grace nods and opens her arms for a hug. He cuddles up next to her and the two rest for a while, enjoying the time they have to sleep before their baby will keep them awake most of the time.

*couple hours later*

Grace sits up and yawns, finally waking up from her nap. She looks over and sees Misha sleeping. He looks so cute when he sleeps, she thought. All of a sudden, she feels the bed becoming wet.

"Misha! My water broke!" she yells.

He jumps out of bed and helps Grace up.

"It's okay Gracie. Just breathe."

The two get out the door as fast as they can and drive to the hospital.

"Her water broke!" Misha urgently told the doctor in the lobby. They get an emergency room quickly and lie Grace down on a hospital bed.

Nurses come in just as her contractions start. Misha holds her hand and she grips it tightly, tears streaming down her face. Misha calls their family to come and visit.

An hour of intense contraction pain later, the nurses announce Grace is finally ready to give birth. Only one person can stay in the room and Grace picks Misha.

"1. 2. 3. Push!" the doctor says, pulling the head of the baby out of Grace's "area". With one final push, their baby is pulled out completely, already starting to cry. Grace starts crying at the sight of her.

Misha runs over as Cassandra gets placed in Grace's arms.

"Mish! Look how beautiful she is...oh my gosh." Grace whispers.

"This is our baby girl. I'm so happy." Misha answers, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek.

Grace hands Cassandra over to Misha just as she opens her eyes for the first time. They are sparkling blue, like the ocean.

The two share a look of pure bliss. Finally, they can start a family together and live happily ever after...

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