If we could turn back time

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, why would I take three months to work on an upload (I have reasons I'm sorry, please read the A/N for info!)


"Uh..." You gulped, eyes practically bulging out of their sockets.

"Aha..." Usopp blinked nervously, chuckling with a strange high pitched noise that you couldn't help but be startled by. "Hahaha..."

This wasn't... well it wasn't bad exactly. But after all he'd said to you back on the Merry? All that... that stuff? Part of you didn't want to see him again. At least...not without the Sogeking mask. It was strange but even having that barrier... and not seeing his face... you hadn't realised what a big difference that had.

Since now? When you were looking at him, and seeing the way his entire face was twisted into an embarrassed grimace... it just made you remember the way he had snarled at you.

How do we know that this isn't some sort of scheme to break us apart? Make us fight each other from the inside!?

How he had spat at you.

Maybe you're still working with them! Maybe you always did! You're a weird messed up freak of nature after all!

How he had pulled at your hair.

Maybe you're still working with them! Maybe you always did! You're a weird messed up freak of nature after all!

How panic seemed to twist everything into something terrifying


Kronos, that all seemed so long ago now didn't it. Months ago, or even years. And yet... Your fingers coiled slowly up your arm. It still felt so recent. Like he was still screaming the words at your face.

But even so...

Once again you swallowed down the lump in your throat.

This stalemate couldn't go on forever. Usopp was... well he wasn't technically part of the crew anymore- the others had told you that much- but he had still been your comrade. You needed this closure, and if you were reading the situation correctly, so did he.

In the corners of your mind, Mello gave you a gentle nudge. One you greatly appreciated for your confidence.

"So..." You started in a tone that felt far more jovial than how you actually felt. "It's... uh... been a long time... hasn't it? Hooooow's it going?"

Ahhh fuck you weren't good at this.

"Uh..." Thankfully it appeared you weren't the only one completely frazzled by the situation. Usopp gulped, and ducked his head. "I'm alright. Just... helping out the Franky Family with their repairs... I figured that I..." He forced a smile onto his face- "...might as well be useful, right?"

You nodded your head like a metronome. Up and down, up and down. At a simpleton's pace. "Ah. Cool. That's uh... good to hear."

Silence fell once again. And you both looked away, wincing.

Kronos this was painful!

"It would not be as painful if you just got to the point and talked things out."

'Yeah but I don't exactly want to go on and start with 'Oh hey remember the time you said I wasn't even human and my true friends were the people who kept cutting out my tongue? Wanna talk about that?' No!' You scowled, and out of the corner of your eye you could see Usopp flinch. 'I think not!'

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