And then there were eight

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A/N Many thanks to ICEOFFIRE336 for this awesome fanart! Like wow, it's so good! I love fanart, so please feel free to send stuff in. Just PM me on what's easiest. Don't feel you have to though. You guys are amazing just for reading! Love you all :)


"Uah..." Zoro stretched, looking back at the clear blue sea behind you, "Looks like we shook them off."

You cocked your head, gesturing to the series of moans coming from the upper deck, "Then what's up with those guys?"


You groaned, "Oh come on guys, quit the whining already."

He crossed his arms, "If you didn't want to leave her behind we should have just taken her by force!"

"Ah! You neanderthal!

"You suck!"


"Three-sword style."

You raised an eyebrow.

Usopp glared at him, "Luffy, 'three-sword' style isn't an insult."

"Four-sword style."

"You only added an extra sword..."

"Hang on a second," Nami snarled at you, "Did you know this was coming, (y/n)?"

" but kinda yes..." You shrugged, turning away from them, "I didn't see anything, if that's what you're asking. Mello just thought it was likely that she'd stay behind. He said not to tell you guys because he wasn't certain."

"You suck, Mello!"

"It was hardly my fault I wanted to be certain of the facts."

The store room door creaked open, "Ah, I see we finally got away from the island. Well done."

You recognised that voice. It was quite hard not to forget.


Zoro pivoted instantly, already unsheathing Wado Ichimonji, "Here for revenge!? Bring it on!"

"Why are you here!?" Nami shrieked, assembling her Clima-tact as she skidded down the railing.

"Take cover~! Take cover~!"

'Kronos, who let Usopp get a hold of a megaphone...'

Robin merely stood there as the crew assemble around her, amused eyes perhaps lingering on you a little longer than you found comfortable. "I did not think it would come to this, Little Missy."

The knuckles around your daggers turned white, "Don't get me wrong, I still admire you greatly...but after what you did to Alabasta, Vivi and Cobra, let alone what you did to me, you'd expect me to be a little more paranoid."

"Ah yes, I was impressed on how you still managed to move with those nails through your joints." Her eyes glimmered, "Fascinating..."

A low growl filled the air, and you quickly found yourself being shoved behind a large brown figure, "So you were the one who did that to Big Sis (y/n), huh?!" Chopper, in his bulky heavy point, crossed his arms, "Those wounds gave me nightmares for days after they healed up, particularly how they didn't heal at Big Sis (y/n)'s usual rate."

"Ah?" Robin leant forwards eagerly, "And do tell, how fast does she typically heal?"

"Oh, her platelets get to any surface wound pretty fast; her blood clots within seconds."

"I see..."

"Oi, 'she' is right here!"

Robin smirked, "Ah yes, I forgot..."

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