An unexpected guest

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, then I would admire that bell all day.


It sounded translucent, that lovely sound. It echoed round your head, enveloping your entire being. Like being wrapped in a warm fluffy blanket. You could listen to this forever. Just drifting in eternal blackness with the sound of this bell. You had no idea that a single sound could bring so many emotions with it. Comfort. Safety. Peace.

As if all the wars in the world just ceased. All because of a single toll of a bell.

Apparently you had collided with it. Well, not you personally, but the golden ball you were attached to. After Eneru. After successfully discharging the Raigo, Nami told you later, Luffy had punched him right into it. Eneru and the Maxim had fallen, and the day was won.

Marked by the beautiful chimes of the Golden Bell.

Part of you were disappointed that you didn't see it. But on the whole both you and Mello had decided that it was just as well. At least the shackle that Eneru had put on Luffy and you had bought about his demise. That was enough for now.

You were just glad that gold conducted electricity better than the 'Kronos gene' or whatever Chopper called it. Otherwise you would almost definitely be dead, as you had found out as soon as you had regained consciousness. You made Chopper admit that yes there was no other choice, but he still didn't let you hear the end of it.

So here you were, stuck with bedrest to start fixing up your lung. The muscle tissue was fine, but it was all the 'bronchioles' or whatever that were the bigger problem. You weren't that clear on it yourself, but apparently you needed them to get oxygen into your blood or something like that. So having almost half of them completely destroyed was generally a bad thing. Mello at least was confident that you could regrow them, but it would take months if not years.

You could deal with that. You had ample experience of dealing with nonfunctioning body parts before. One lung was fine, as long as you were careful about it.

Which, apparently, meant that you couldn't do what you wanted to.

"But Chopper..."

He gave you a light hoof chop on the head, "No means no! No partying and no drinking! I'm already being lenient by allowing you out of bed."

"Come on!" You gestured to the roaring mayhem before you, the heavy layer of bandages across your chest limiting your movement a little bit, "You're seriously not going to let me join them?! I've never been to a party this big before!"

"You partied with the wolves."

"This is on a whole other level!"

When there were people from three different walks of life, two of which had once been at each other's throats, dancing their own unique dances in front of the largest bonfire you'd ever seen, you wanted to be a part of it. Especially since that massive stripey snake that had chased you earlier (dear Kronos was that only this morning?) was roaring with glee. There were even people dancing on its head.

The rest of the crew was in the thick of it. Most of them were dancing, Usopp and Luffy doing...something... it was hard to tell what exactly that was, Sanji twirling a giggling older woman under his arm, and Nami doing some sort of money chant from that older woman from Heaven's Gate. Zoro, like usual, was in the centre of a heated drinking match between one of the shandorians and one of the newly freed Divine Squad members. And Robin just watched the entire thing from a perch behind the shandorian drummers, giggling at their crazy antics.

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