Okay gang, let's split up and look for clues!

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I wouldn't be so Ne-ga-tive!


"So." You crossed your arms in front of you, making sure Mello was well secured so that this invisible person wouldn't wriggle free. "Talk."

The figure remained stock still, the only noticeable movement being through slight muscle flexes you could only feel through Mello. Almost as if they were pretending that you'd caught nothing but empty air. Silent.

Zoro unsheathed a katana. "Maybe we can see 'em if they bleed."

"Or we snap some bones," Robin smiled calmly.

"Really now..." Mello stretched his blade around so that he could get a better look towards the rest of the crew. "I understand this is an intruder, however don't you think we can at least demonstrate a little restaurant-"

"GYAAAA WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Out of nowhere a man with half a lion face appeared within Mello's constraints, actively bucking and writhing in a futile effort to get as far away from Mello's beak as possible. "M-M-MONSTROUS ROPE! MONSTROPE!"

M... Monstrope? Was that supposed to be a joke?

"If it was, then his sense of humour is as invisible as he is."

Now that he was visible, two pairs of hands quickly sprouted up from around the figure's neck holding him in place. "Not that I do not trust you, Little Missy and Mello," Robin added cooly, "but for some reason I feel as though I particularly want this individual to be fully restrained."

So she'd caught the ick vibes too. That was valid.

Luffy leant over the man's face and grimaced curiously, "Are you a lion-man? Or a man-lion?"

"Shouldn't we be asking why he's even here in the first place?" Franky arched a single brow.

Sanji waved it away. "Just let him do his thing."

The lion faced man (or man faced lion) simply scowled, "I'm not telling you any-"

Mello stretched into his field of vision.


"Y'know?" You gave Mello a gentle pat from where he coiled around your arm. "I'm not that upset with this development.

"Just means you're a little freakier than you used to be."

"Shut it Mop boy."

The lion man seemed to abruptly realise that you and Mello were connected and his eyes went wide. "What's a pretty thing like you doing with something like... like... that?" He smirked, gaze additionally flicking up and down Robin's figure. "Now if you and your gorgeous friend could just let me get a bit of wiggle room- NGH!"

Mello had tightened his coils even more. "How about absolutely not!"

"Yes, how dare you say that to them!" Sanji growled. "(y/n)-chan and Robin-chan are both perfect the way they are and you're not getting any closer!"

"And if you say something of that nature again, I will make you feel such pain that you will never be able to reproduce without immense pain," Robin smiled.

"Oooh maybe I could try to figure out that decay stuff I did last time!" You flexed your fingers. "We never really went into how the hell I managed to do that..."

"On second thought, maybe not." The lion man gulped, colour draining from his face. "You two are a bit too violent... Hardly enticing."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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