Make it snappy, Crocodile!

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Peering out of the corner of your eye, you observed the cook with apprehension. Sanji poured the dark liquid into two china cups and offered one to you. He sniffed his cup and sighed contentedly.

He raised it to his lips, "For afternoon tea, Earl Grey is indeed the best."

You eyed your cup suspiciously, before taking a sip. You gagged.

'I'm not touching that stuff ever again even if it kills me!'

"You lack refinement."

"So, Sanji," You placed the cup down on the tablecloth, "You seem to be very, very, worried about our friends, don't you." You nodded, "Oh yes. Very worried."

He flinched, before looking around at the wax walls, "OI! Hold on!"

"So you've finally come to your senses?"

Sanji waved his hands in protest, "Nononono! I was perfectly fine, (y/n)-chwan! Haven't forgotten about them at all! I...uh...was just ensuring that you were well rested! Yes, well rested! Because you are injured, aren't you?" His eyes widened, and he clasped his head in horror, "HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT THE LOVELY (Y/N)-CHWAN ATE A BOMB?!"

"Technically I drank it..."


You raised an eyebrow at his melodramatic pose.

"But you're right." He stood. "We shouldn't be sitting here drinking tea all stylish-like!"

'Oh thank Kronos...'

"Nami-san and the others might be awaiting my rescue!"

Standing up, you stretched, "Well this is a fix isn't it."

He growled at you distastefully, before taking a look around the little wax cabin, "We should probably check this place out first, shouldn't we? If this really is Baroque Works' hideout, we might find some useful information."

"That's what you said before checking out the teapot for 'useful information'."



The two of you turned to a vibrating wicker basket.


Sanji creased his brow, "What the...?"

You crouched beside the basket, "That sounds like a snail..." You opened the basket and sure enough, a purple and moustached transponder snail was placed on the table.

Turning it to the side, you noticed black letters spelling out 'Mr. 3'. You winced, "Oh I really hate being right."

Sanji placed his hand on the transceiver before turning to you, "Should I...?"

"Not sure," You shrugged, "There is a chance that this could be...y'know..."

His eyes narrowed, "Crocodile...?"

You nodded.

To your surprise, he smirked, "I can handle him."


You shuffled excitedly next to the cook, as he leant back on the wax chair with the transceiver.

"Hey, thanks for calling, this is the Shitty Restaurant. You wanna make an order?"

Clasping a hand over your mouth, you grinned like a lunatic. Your stomach still ached from earlier, so each giggle stang a little.

"Missy! This is a serious matter, you both should use extreme caution! If that really is Crocodile..."

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