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I don't own One Piece. If I did I wouldn't be stressing out so much about my future and struggling to find a job :) Oh yeah, and I would have an awesome looking ship, can't forget that


"Ooooooh! I see something big!" Luffy whooped, increasing his pace along the slippery debris lining the outskirts of Water 7 in an effort to get a better look.

"You think that's it?!" Chopper's small form quickly followed, "Is that really it?!"

You let out a low whistle, hand resting above your eyes to shield them from the midday sun. 'Gotta say... whatever's under that tarp is way bigger than I thought it'd be...'

"I am more surprised they managed to find a tarpaulin that large in the first place..." Mello muttered. But even you knew he was awestruck.

Big didn't even describe it. It was bigger than big. Massive even. Not even the abandoned buildings standing back from the shoreline held a candle to it. Just the thought of whatever was underneath that massive tarp... it was enough to make your throat dry.

Was all that... really for your crew? Like... really?! Wouldn't it be... mostly empty?

"I am sure we will find enough clutter to fill it with, Missy."

"Hey! Franky!" Luffy was already a tiny figure in the distance. "We're ready for our ship now!"

You found your own feet moving. Running forwards at breakneck pace. This excitement was intoxicating. You found that you couldn't resist it. And judging by the look on the rest of your crew's faces, neither could they.

A lilac haired figure up ahead sent you all skidding short.

Luffy's beam grew wider, "Oh, hey Ice-pops. What's up?"

The mayor smiled, not even the heavy bags under his eyes stopping his pride from seeping through. "Well, it's good to see you. Thank you for waiting so long."

"Are you kidding?" Nami grinned as she caught up beside you. "You've finished way faster than any of us expected. We should be thanking you for working so quickly"

Iceburg chuckled and gave Tyrannosaurus (wow that was a great name for a mouse) a gentle scratch on the nose, "Well, it would not have been possible without all the help we received. Everyone appears to be quite tired out now."

Yeah, the heavily snoring bodies scattered around the worksite pretty much proved that point. Although...

"But where's Franky?" Luffy said the very thing on your mind. "I thought he was working on our ship with you?"

"Unfortunately he can't be here at the moment." Was it just you, or did Iceburg's brow twitch slightly? "But your ship is indeed complete." His smile widened. "Shall we take a look?"

A flurry of excited glances got exchanged between you and the crew.

"Uh huh!"

He chuckled again. "I think you're going to be impressed, this ship is amazing." Glancing up, the expression in his eyes glazed over a little. An equal mix of enthusiasm, and something bitter. "I was floored simply looking at the blueprints. This ship... can sail any sea. It is designed to take you all the way to the end of the Grand Line after all."

"Just let us see it already!" Luffy whooped.

Your fists were closed around Mello, fingers torn between twitching uncontrollably and tensing beyond belief. You... This was something you'd ever had to react to. Something you didn't even know how to emote properly about. Accepting gifts had been hard enough in the past when they were just a nice bottle of booze or the occasional shirt to replace one that 'ripped' (thanks Smoker), but something like this?

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