The plot thickens

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"AAAAAAHH!" You shrieked as you doubled over, "What're we gonna do, Mello?! We're screwed!"


Leaning back in the alleyway, you frantically scratched your head, "They actually know we're part of an Ancient Weapon!"

A sigh, "Missy..."

You abruptly halted, "If you're gonna tell me just how deep the shit we're in, Mello, don't bother. I know already."

"You seem emotionally distressed."

"Uh, hello?! The world's about to discover just how freaky I am, which will be yet another thing they hold against me, OF COURSE I'M EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED," you groaned, digging nails into your scalp, "How the hell did they know? I thought the World Government wanted that hushed up!"

He hummed pensively, "You have a point, I'm curious about that as well. What worries me, however, is how those two Agents trusted us implicitly. I would have suspected them to be more cautious than they acted."

That made you think, "Point. I thought they were professionals, but they just walked off expecting me to go to Crocodile's side of my own accord. They even gave us a lift to Alubarna on the back of that turtle thing."

"They even made it seem as though they were doing us a favour."

"Yeah exactly. And let's face it, my alibi was super weak. But they still bought it." You tapped your chin, "Something's off...really off..." Squaring your shoulders, you marched out of the narrow alleyway, "But I've gotta do something to help Vivi. We may have stopped the full force of the rebels, but I'm still pretty confident there are gonna be some Baroque Works grunts mixed in to cause a conflict."

"That is quite a high possibility." Mello's form loosened, and the bracelet began unwinding into the familiar weapon, "Crocodile's already proven that he has sufficiently high strategic capabilities. If he truly wanted to succeed, planting moles is guaranteed."

"So what now?" You skipped forwards a couple of paces to avoid a neatly cut slab that collapsed from the bridge above you, "Good grief...Mop-boy's really going at it huh? At least I hope that's Mop-boy." Your lip curled upwards, "Guess I've gotta get a move on. Shall we do the usual?"

"That would be recommended." Mello extended upwards to get a better view. "The clock tower appears to be a good vantage point, second only to the palace itself."


Mello launched you without you telling him to. Using the air time to your advantage, you quickly scanned the ground to try and find where the others were. Another bridge got shredded behind you, which you really hoped was Mop-boy. You didn't want to think about what would happen if your enemies had that sort of destructive power.

Chopper and Usopp were nowhere to be seen, yet come to think of it there had been some sort of commotion outside the walls... But maybe you were being optimistic. Two separate clouds of dust rose into the air on opposite sides of the city. Your eyes narrowed. That was probably Sanji and Nami. Hopefully. Luffy, if everything had been going to plan, would be at the palace with Vivi kicking Crocodile's butt.

But when did anything ever got to plan?

And everywhere, simply everywhere, the clashes and yells of armed combat echoed through you. It seemed what you'd done in Nanohana hadn't been quite enough to stop the rebels.

Gritting your teeth, you said nothing as you pointed Mello towards the clock tower. He took the hint and extended towards it, connecting with a solid clunk. Before you'd realised it, the clock face on the tower rocketed towards you.

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