Chapter 2

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„Usagii!! Come on Makoto is already waiting for us we should pick her up from the sport area of the Campus walk a little faster!" Rei, the black haired girl yelled as usual at Usagi who was distracted by too much on their way.

„Ehh?? What are you saying?! It's not even time to be there yet we still have a little time left!"
They are arguing as always and the other friends just ignored it as always and kept on walking, letting them both fight behind them for nonsense.

„Hey Minako, look it seems like Makoto got a new friend there." Amy said as they got closer to said area, seeing makoto talking to another girl.

„Hey look that other girl has bigger abs than Mamoru does." Rei had to make another comment to annoy Usagi. „WHAAT?? Never!! Mamoru is the strongest!" The blonde yelled at Rei and they started fighting again, making the others sigh in frustration.

„Hey you two! Stop arguing!" Luna, Usagis cat appeared and got immediately between the two. „This girl...I feel a strange energy coming from her.." Luna mumbled as she looked at the two, Makoto and (Y/N).

„Oh no...Luna stop we already beat Nehelenia I don't want other enemies now..." Usagi said with a sigh, almost crying as always, making the other girls chuckle and try to cheer her up.

Readers POV

I was just doing my regular sport at the sports club here at this school camups, meeting a kind girl who trained with me. She was good, almost as good as me and after our training we decided to sit together and talk.

„That was fun! We should train more often you could show me a lot." Makoto told me, making me feel proud of myself.
„Sure why not." I answered her and we kept talking about hobbies and other stuff until we both heard a girl whine and yell at another girl, seeing a group of friends near the area we have been.

„Oh they are fighting as usual...uhm those are my friends! Come with me I want to introduce you to them." Makoto got up and took my hand, making me follow her. „Hey girls! This is (Y/N)! I met her here. (Y/N) those are Amy, Rei, Usagi and Minako oh! And the cat is Luna." I shyly introduced myself as well, everyone seemed to be so kind.

„You seem to be a group of really good friends with a lot of different personalities, that's cool."
I said nodding my head as Usagi extendet her hand to shake mine and so I did, smiling brightly.
„Whoah! What's that scar on your wrist? You have it on the other one too? Looks like a diamond or something." Usagi said out loud, makimg the others embarrassed in some way.
„Oh these...I don't know, ever since I came here-...I mean I was born I had those. Fancy right?" I chuckled nervously, making the others notice this was a bad idea of Usagi asking me that so Makoto decided to interrupt. „Oh! It's already so late didn't we agree to go to Rei's place? We shouldn't let her Grandfather wait with the food."

„Right! We need to go there I am sorry (Y/N) see you next time?" Usagi was a little quirky but I kind of liked it, nodding with a chuckle. „Yea see ya guys!" I said and waved them goodbye.


Actually I don't know where to go. It feels like I always lived here but doesn't feel right. I feel like I got brainwashed or something. My whole existence kind of made no sense.

„Ah! Stupid thoughts!" I said out loud as I stood there in a dark corner of the street. Those marks on my wrists...what are those?.

„Ah! There you are." I hear a voice talking to me but when I turned around I saw no one. „Who-..."
„I AM HERE! Come on I am not that small." I then looked down and saw a tiny woman with grey hair and a hat, she looked at me as if she knew me. „Who are you?"

I made the woman laugh which made me flinch a little at her voice. „Ah...the Queen really brainwashed you so good? Nezu is my name here on earth. Iron Mouse. You remember?" Then slowly I start to remember. Of course! I know her. „What are we doing here?! Why...are you looking at me like that."

„No need to be scared of me (Y/N) the Queen already took your star seed so she won't habe to kill you now. She did this to save you but we want you back in our Team. Shadow Galactica."

„Shadow what?...this is a weird dream right? Slap me and I will wake up back home in my bed. I-..." >>SMACK<<
„OUCH!" I whinced, not expecting her to really slap me across the face. „Okay okay!...I really have to go Iron...Nezu whatever. I do have a test tomorrow I shouldn't sleep over!" I took a few steps back but oh bad luck is following me today, there was no way to go anywhere. I just met a cold wall with my back, the feeling made me shiver since I am only wearing a short top.

„Wow you really are the Queen's guard? So pathetic. Maybe I should show you some of my skills to make you remember." With that, the small woman transformed and looked like a mouse...well a human mouse. I kind of remember her but I still can't really exactly tell just a faint memory. „Now you don't have a star seed but I can still show you my powers!-...Ahh!"

With a loud explosion Iron Mouse fell on the ground, something was shooting at her with some magic and me myself could barely hold myself on my feet, shaking in fear. „What the hell was that-.."

„ENOUGH!" Another womam shouted at Iron Mouse, I could barely see the other woman but when she stepped closer to me, I recognized her.
„You..." I started but got interrupted. „Not yet. It's not the time to get you back to me yet. You need to understand...I have a mission. When I collected all the powerful star seeds and have the power I need and want, you come back to me. Now I have no use for you. You have nothing for me to use." The woman spoke and I only understood half of it. I feel like this is such a weird dream. Wasn't I dreaming of her being my Queen? Or was it even a dream? Hell I don't know anymore. „But for you..." She continued as she turned to Iron Mouse. „You should collect my star seeds and not play around with her. She is mine, do you understand?" She said with a serious tone in her voice, more like commanding and I saw Iron Mouse bow and nod in front of the other. „Yes...of course Galaxia..." The small woman whinced and I just stood there like an idiot but freezed in place once the powerful woman got more and more closer to me. „I won't be that mean to you but I will give you some of your memory back. But don't do anything stupid. Or I will have to eliminate you." With that, the woman reached her hand out and some magic came from her bracelets, making the scars on my wrists glow as I feel some power getting back to me with the memories I lost and now everything made sense but before I could stop her, she disappeared again and left me with Iron Mouse. „Wait!...I-I remember now...what happened to you my Queen..."

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