Chapter 6

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A few weeks passed, the Sailor Animamates continued their task to get the star seeds and on the other side, Usagi and the others became friends with the three lights, knowing about each others secret being Sailor Soldiers.

At this day, Usagi and the other girls were hanging out at the coffee shop as always, thinking about what to do next.

„Usagi? Are you listening?" Rei said as she noticed Usagi not really paying attention and being lost in thoughts.

„Huh?...Yea I is the last concert of the three lights. Plus what about (Y/N) ? Is she really our enemy? I can't believe that honestly..." Usagi answered, playing with the spoon in her iced coffee as she sighed.

„Usagi...we all wish she isn't our enemy...but at the moment it sadly looks like she is..." Minako said, having a sad expression on her face but they also knew they have to focus on other things now.


Readers POV

It's been a few hours since I walk outside around the city, the sky already getting dark and stars appearing.
„Star Fighters...I heard that name before...those three women...the sailor soldiers, they fight for good. That's what I also wanna do...I don't want to be against them..." I kick a empty can that was laying on the floor, sighing afterwards.
„I really am in bigger trouble than before huh?" I talk to myself before I see some lights and a music appearing from far away.

I knew it must be that concert I was seeing it all around the city, the Three Lights. Whatever...maybe I can hear them sing from afar, as I remember I bumped into Seiya last time, it would be weird to see him again after that embarrassing moment.


So when I made my way to where the concert was, I suddenly hear a loud explosion that made me fall back on the ground and people screaming in fear.

„Ehehe! This planet belongs to Galaxia now!" Tin Nyanko yelled from afar. She was attacking them? Also where are the others? Why can I only see Nyanko?

„This world belongs to no one! Stop that!" I heard another familiar voice. It was Usagi! And before I could say or do anything else Usagi and her friends plus the Three Lights turned into Sailor Soldiers.

Sailor Tin Nyanko and the others started to fight, me trying to get between them as Nyanko was attacking Sailor Moon again I knew I needed to do something especially now that I know she is my friend Usagi.
I ran into her direction and pushed her away so Nyanko was failing hitting Sailor Moon, we both falling to the ground.

„(Y/N)!! Are you okay?! I knew you are not our enemy!" I saw Sailor Moon smiling at me with teary eyes, making me smile back. „Yeah..of course I am your friend."

„Enough of that!"

The sky went dark red all of a sudden and another familiar figure appeared. It was Galaxia.

Nyanko immediately bowed down „My Queen I-..."

„Stop that, I don't need you anymore." And with a swift movement, Galaxia made Nyanko's bracelets disappear and with that, she also disappeared.

God...that's how the others disappeared too? „I look down at my own wrists, seeing the scars that were shaped like the Diamonds on the others bracelets, making me gulp. Will she make me disappear too?

I let go of Sailor Moon and stood up, making my way towards the powerful female. „Galaxia! Please stop that, what are you doing to those people? That's not you. I know your true self." I try to get through her but all she does is kicking me so I fall down on my knees, coughing up some blood as she hit me very bad. „Ugh...! Why...?" She moved her hand suddenly closer to my face, making me look up at her with a questioning expression.

„Is that how you greet your Queen my knight? I know you can do it more properly." She said with a smirk.

I don't have the guts to refuse her will besides my wrists hurt like hell again. It's like she is controlling me but not like the others with mind control, she makes me feel pain to give in and that's what I am doing.

I take her hand and place a kiss on it as I am still on my knees. „ Queen..." I say, deep inside feeling bad that I have to leave the others behind but I can't do anything right now, holding my tears back.

„You others should listen to me as well, there is no point in attacking me anyways, you're too weak." Galaxia spoke before she disappeared again together with me.

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