Chapter 8

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Readers POV

As I opened my eyes I found myself in a building again with the others, the Starlights looked exhausted and injured, making me frown at the sight of it, I get lost in thoughts once again as I try to figure out what just happened, wishing it was just a bad dream but sadly it wasn't.

„Are you okay (Y/N)?" I look up to see a smaller Sailor Soldier talking to me with short black hair. It was Sailor Saturn.

„Yea...kind of." I say before sitting in a more comfortable position. „Why did she do this?" I thought out loud, getting all the attention from the others, making me blush in embarrassment.

„Cause she is a heartless monster!" Sailor Uranus snarled at me, making me shake my head in defense.

„Okay I might need to tell you guys something more about me and Galaxia." I sigh before I continue, wanting to tell them everything.

„I used to live together with her and the Sailor Animamates at the Galactica Palace. I was a knight, protecting our Queen together with the others. Only difference...I don't have any powers...I can only use my sword and that's it." I sigh once again, feeling kind of useless in here. „We used to be in love...but one day a dark shadow appeared and everything else...I don't know anymore. I woke up here on earth, living a normal life as a student and then I met Usagi and the others before...well this happened. I am sorry...I am useless in this fight."

„No don't say that!" I hear Sailor Moon say, making me look over at her. „You're very useful! You were lovers right? You could be the only one who can get through her." She continued, making me feel a little bit better but I knew it is hard.

„Sailor Moon is right, you're the only one that can at least do something. Her emotions aren't away completely and you know that." Uranus said and made me blush, remembering the moment I were alone with Galaxia.

„Ah-...okay okay no details please." She continued, making the others chuckle.

„Then what are we doing here!? Let's go confront her again!" Fighter and the other Starlights stood up, making me and Sailor Moon do the same, nodding.

„Then go."


The whole city was destroyed, almost nothing is like it was before. Of course as stubborn as the outer senshi's were, especially Uranus and Neptune following her wanted to try things their own way and they lost. The plan of Uranus and Neptune being Galaxia's servants and even getting Plutos and Saturns Crystal to prove their loyalty were for nothing. The plan to attack Galaxia failed, she didn't have a own crystal which was weird but in the end, Sailor Moon lost more friends and now it was only me, Sailor Moon and the Starlight's left along with Chibi Chibi.

„Why?! Why did you have to do this? How should we know it was all a plan?!" Sailor Moon cried at the sight of losing more friends.

„Oh Sailor Moon...stop being a crybaby, it's our mission to protect you, our Queen at all cost. Now we can't do anything about it need to save this planet...we know you can do it...Sailor...Moon..." Uranus and Neptune vanished, making Sailor Moon cry more, she lost everyone of her beloved friends, even her boyfriend Mamoru. My own heart aches at the sight, not noticing my own tears running down my cheeks.

„Fools...thinking they could beat me. Interesting tho that they could fool me for a little while. didn't work." I heard Galaxia say, she was standing on the roof of a building, looking down at us and aiming directly at Sailor Moon.

The Starlights ran in front of Sailor Moon, wanting to protect her but I couldn't just stand there, I ran towards them and before it could hit us, a golden light appeared and I suddenly wear my golden armor I used to wear at the palace, even having my cloak just like a real knight.

„(Y/N) ! Look at you, you saved us." Sailor Moon was shocked and the others as well including me.

How did I do this...

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