Chapter 7

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Readers POV

I open my eyes to find myself laying on a bed, the surroundings having the same weird red color as the sky had before I got here, it looked like a room I am not going to leave so easily. Then I hear footsteps, making me look into the direction where it came from, seeing Galaxia again. She looked beautiful in her golden armor and those red eyes staring at me, making my heart race.
She came closer until she was beside me, taking my hand and looking at the scar on my wrist. „It was impossible to give you those bracelets and so my mind control on you. You have a strong heart and mind don't you? Well...I had no choice but do something else with you, aren't you proud that you are marked as mine?...every time you refuse to listen to will hurt you bad..." She said as she ran her fingers over my wrist and then she straddled me, pushing me down and staring into my eyes. „Now stop the explanations...I missed my knight...kiss me (Y/N)..." And with that we kissed each other, it felt good but at the same time I knew this wasn't the woman I used to be with...



„The Radio Tower!" Amy yelled as she finally found out the location where Galaxia's hiding spot was. „Then let's go there!" Usagi said and transformed herself along with the others.

They ran into the direction of the Tower but stopped when they saw a bird die right before their eyes, there was a protecting shield.

„Oh no! What now? We can't just stand there and do nothing! We need to get (Y/N) back and help the Star Lights! They already rushed into the building. She clearly doesn't want us to help them but we have to!" Sailor Moon said, feeling so sad that they couldn't do anything about this, falling on her knees crying. „Oh please...there must be a way..."

Readers POV

Is that all you have?" I hear Galaxia say before she attacks the Starlights again, making them fall back again hitting with their back on the ground.

Just minutes ago me and my Queen spend a beautiful time together, it almost felt like years ago when Galaxia was actually kind. Now I am forced to stay here and watch her fight the other Sailor Soldiers. I stand beside her throne meanwhile she was casually sitting there and blowing the others away from us like it was nothing, hearing the starlight's pant.

„It can't be! We went so far and still we can't do anything about her!" I hear Sailor Star Maker say. „Don't give up guys, there must be a chance for u-us..." Star Fighter answered and all I could do is watch.

Suddenly a pink light appeared, making Galaxia stand up and looking not that amused about it, the Sailor Scouts are here! How?...well I don't mind. I am happy to see Sailor Moon and the others but showing that now will put me into big trouble.

„How did you guys make it inside? Anyways, then I can beat you right now, better than later." I hear Galaxia chuckle, making me frown as I saw a child being with them.

„Chibi Chibi did you bring us here?" Sailor Moon asked, only getting a confuses blinking from the little girl and then seconds later I could watch the fighting going on again.

„Rei! Minako! Makoto! Amy!..." Sailor Moon started crying again, four more lights stopped shining, those were also my friends...god..

I clenched my fists, trying to keep calm but I just couldn't at this point anymore. I might not be a sailor scout but I am for sure not a puppet as well!

„Stop! Please stop that. Give them their star seeds back! They were also my friends. Please...what made you suddenly do all of this?! Why are you like this that not you G-..." before I could finish my sentence Galaxia smacked me across my face with her free hand, making me stumble back.

„You're a fool aren't you? I thought you're loyal to me but seems like you can really trust no one in this galaxy except yourself." She said before she attacked me as well, aiming at me but Starfighter jumped in front of me, wanting to protect me but before it could hit anyone of us that pink light appeared again and we disappeared back into the Radio Tower.

„How?! How can that stupid light appear, bring them here and then bring them away from me again? can't hide from me that this whole galaxy is mine!" Galaxia laughed, not minding that since she will find us anyways.

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