Damian XV

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Everyone was on the rooftop of the mansion to celebrate Edward's birthday. Danté wore a white apron that said "Don't get burned" as he grilled the sizzling steaks. Damian was setting up the chocolate fountain for dessert and Elizabeth congratulated Edward. Miss Brenda, the maid, was on a cruise trip, so she wasn't there, but she sent Edward a happy birthday postcard from Hawaii.

Damian glanced at Elizabeth. She had finally cheered up a bit and was talking over Dante's shoulder. Damian hadn't told anyone about the hidden note since he didn't want to rub salt into the fresh wound. Later, he told himself. Elizabeth finally looked happy after days of grieving and he didn't want to ruin this moment. Damian sighed and poured himself some lemonade as Coco walked up to him.

"Thanks for the cake," Coco said, taking a glass of lemonade from the table.

"Hey, it's the least we can do. I should be the one thanking you for taking care of Elizabeth." Damian said.

"I wasn't exactly taking care of her. I was just helping her get through the worst of it." Coco said.

Damian raised an eyebrow, "Okay, Maybe. I guess you can say I was taking care of her. Just don't let her catch you saying that." Coco said, slightly grinning.

Damian smiled, he put a hand on Coco's shoulder. "You're good for a high schooler. When did you decide to join this place?"

"Well, it's complicated," Coco said, exasperated.

Damian chuckled then went to Danté.

"Sup," Danté said, flipping the steak.

"Ooh, that looks nice," Damian said, staring at the steaming steaks.

"My specialty, steak and fries," Danté said, sprinkling a seasoning of salt and pepper on top of the fresh meat, causing a mouthwatering aroma to fill the evening air.

Elizabeth walked up to Damian. "Can I talk with you for a second?" She asked quietly.

Damian and Elizabeth walked around a corner away from the group of partygoers. Elizabeth stared out into the orange setting sun. It gave off a warm glow, which illuminated her face in the light. She wore a sailor hat pin on her chest and Damian recognized it from the photo he saw in Ajax's room.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asked.


"What happened, when I was knocked out?" Elizabeth questioned.

Damian sighed, he knew this was coming. He looked into Elizabeth's eyes. She wasn't angry, just gloomy and expectant. It was as if she was waiting for someone that was never going to come back.

"We were all upstairs, trying to stop the fire from taking down the place. Danté and I were fighting off the attackers as Ajax was holding back the fire demon, but..." Damian paused.

"It overwhelmed him. He realized that if he kept fighting, it would keep spreading. So he sacrificed himself and took down that son of a bitch with him. He saved us all." Damian continued.

Damian looked back into Elizabeth's eyes. A single tear dropped from her eyes and onto her black dress. She wiped it off with her arm.

"You know, we were really close friends. I thought we weren't going to leave without each other. But, now he's gone and I'm still here.." Elizabeth said, holding back more tears.

"I'm sorry." Damian apologized.

Elizabeth smiled sadly. "I guess you can't always have everything in life."

Elizabeth left to join the others as Damian sat staring at the sun beginning to drop below the skyline. The look in Elizabeth's pleading eyes was enough to crush his soul with overwhelming guilt. Could he have saved Ajax? Could he have prevented the death of Elizabeth's best friend?

During dinnertime, Elizabeth reverted back to her happy mood. She acted like she and Damian had never talked, and Damian did the same. He chatted with Edward, congratulating him and offering him food and drinks. They all sat down, facing the sunset while they ate their dinner.

Two hours later, after Edward and Coco had left for their rooms, Damian, Danté and Elizabeth were cleaning up the decorations when Damian steadily heard the roaring blades of a helicopter. He thought it was Audrey coming to check up on them, but it was the same girl that caused the explosion that took Ajax's life. Somehow, she was back after self-imploding. 

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