Leo XIII --- Deck of the Argo II

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Nobody expected a pillar of water to bust open my ship but nobody thought that Frank would get a girlfriend either. As soon as the alarms started going off I knew that something was off.

"Everyone! We need to get to the main dec-" the sound of splintering wood cut me off.

A giant pillar of pressurized water came out of nowhere and pierced the Argo II, causing the oars to stop working and the propellers to shut off.

"Go check it out!" shouted Jason over the blaring sirens of the alarm system, everyone rushed out onto the main deck and saw an orange-haired man sitting on top of the wreckage. He was wearing a grey jacket with dark red and light grey details, grey pants, and black boots and gloves. He also wore a red banner that went across his chest and over his left shoulder.

"Sorry about wrecking your ship." He apologized as he stood up.

"Who are you?!" demanded Jason, threatening him with his sword.

"My name is Childe, The Eleventh Fatui Harbinger," he replied as he put up his hands.

"I just wanted to check out what you guys were doing all the way up here."

With a yawn, he stretched his arms and walked right into the meeting room. We had just picked up Frank and Hazel a few hours ago and now we had another unexpected visitor.

"Hey! What are you doing in there!" I shouted after him.

"Well, I had a dream that you guys were discussing something about Ouranos." He said without looking back at me.

"What do you know about Ouranos anyway?" I asked.

"I fought him once and he nearly killed me," Childe responded. "It took me months to fully recover."

"Alright, that's cool and all but can you please stop rummaging through my cabinets?!"

"Okay okay, geez, I was looking for some foo-" Childe was cut off as Frank turned into an 800-pound gorilla and smacked him across the room.

He landed with a thump and crumpled to the ground.

"That's one way to get him to stop, that's for sure." I looked back at Frank as he transformed back into human form.

"Hey, you okay? Your hand looks broken." I said as I inspected his wrist.

"Damn, that guy is as hard as a rock to hit," Frank responded and winced when touching his hand.

"Yep, I think that's going to need some medical attention," Piper said as she approached from behind Frank.

"What's with the unconscious dude in the corner?"

"Oh, he's the one who caused all the alarms to go off," I replied. "I'm going to go work on the ship, you guys interrogate him alright?"

"Sure," Annabeth said as she walked beside Piper, "I'm going to get all the information we need from him as soon as he wakes up."

As the two girls dragged the snoring Childe into the medbay, I shook my head and went back to repairing the hull.

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