Damian XI

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Damian thought that tracking down a group of demigod murderers would've been easier. After he picked up Jason Grace, the two of the teleported a few miles short of San Fransisco. They trekked through miles of urban blocks and eventually made their way to the outskirts of the city, where they found a large, dilapidated building that seemed to be abandoned. As they approached, they could hear sounds coming from inside, and Damian knew that they had found the assailants they were looking for.

He and Jason cautiously entered the building, their weapons at the ready. They crept through the dark, dusty corridors, following the sounds of laughter and clanging metal. Damian unholstered his large magnum and put a finger to his lips. Approaching a closed door metal door, Damian kicked it in with enough force to send the frames rocketing into the nearby Fatui soldiers. 

Damian nodded toward Jason and began opening fire on the enemy. The Fatui who had been caught off guard by the sudden attack scrambled to defend themselves. Damian's accuracy was unparalleled. Round after round, the hordes of cannon fodder fell to his deadly weapon as the mob began to die down. Damian holstered his gun and switched to hand to hand combat, ignoring the chunks of flesh that were blown off by the Fatui berserker's attacks, he casually grabbed a loose forearm bone and stabbed a man through the helmet with it. Jason was taken aback but quickly finished off his side of the room with a few sword swipes and lighting bolts. 

After the last of the Fatui  fell the room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the smell of gunpowder. Damian and Jason took a moment to catch their breath when out of nowhere, Damian was sent flying into a nearby wall by a kick from a masked man wearing the insignia of Snezhnaya.  

"I am Ivan, envoy of lady Signora, and you will not leave this place alive," he announced.

Damian shakily got up and spit out a tooth, "Yeah, we'll see about that" he muttered.

Without hesitation, another blow struck Damian in the chest, causing him to slide across the room. The pain nearly made him black out but Damian managed to shakily stand up and get into a defensive position.

In a blur, Ivan appeared in front of him and grabbed Damian's head. Slamming it into a nearby wall. A metallic tang filled Damian's mouth and blood flowed down the back of his head. The masked man's gloved hand was still gripping his face but Damian grinned. In a flash, a knife dug into Ivan's side and he stumbled backward, letting go of Damian. Damian grabbed Ivan's collar and landed a punch onto the man's mask. It began to crack slightly but before Damian could attack again, there was a red blur and Damian winced as a cut appeared on his cheek. Leaping back, the man was now holding a crimson scythe that glistened with blood. A fiery agony erupted from Damian's throat as he looked down and saw a large gash run across his neck. Damian gritted his teeth as he felt his life force draining from his body. He looked up at the masked man, who was now holding the scythe with a menacing grin. Damian knew he had to act fast if he wanted to survive. With a burst of energy, he lunged at the man, catching him off guard. He managed to grab the scythe and twist it out of the man's hands, sending it clattering to the ground. Despite being disarmed, Ivan quickly grabbed both sides of Damian's head and twisted it with a crack. Unfazed, Damian bitch slapped Ivan across the room with his neck twisted backward. Ivan's body started to emit sparks of crimson electricity. A second later, the masked man's hand pierced Damian's shoulder as it vibrated at an intense speed. Damian yelled out in pain but managed to keep a level head as he gritted his teeth. Damian headbutted Ivan and this time he managed to completely crack the mask in two. Luckily for Damian, the electricity hadn't covered his opponent's face and yet another headbutt caused Ivan to stumble back in pain. 

 Ivan's scarred face contorted with rage as Damian stared at the ridge of scar tissue that ran over two black holes where his eyes were supposed to be.

Damian grinned, this blind guy had been whooping his ass the whole time.Tiny sparks flickered across Ivan's eye sockets as he roared in fury and charged at him. Damian dived out of the way but quickly realized he was running out of places to dodge. A blur appeared in front of him and a punch to the chest sent Damian flying into the ground. The impact caused the stone floor to crack as jagged pieces of marble flew into the now dust filled air. Through the dull pain, Damian realized that Ivan was on top of him, and a punch to the face quickly cleared his thoughts. As another fist descended toward his battered face, Damian intercepted the blow with his forehead. Surprisingly, Damian's head was still intact as he grabbed Ivan's neck and wrangled him into a chokehold.A burst of red electricity from Ivan's protective shield singed his clothes but Damian held on. Ten seconds passed, then twenty, almost a full minute had passed and Ivan's struggles ceased. Damian's arms felt like they were made of lead and his grip faltered as the protective barrier around the blind man's body flickered away. A sigh of relief left Damian's mouth and he collapsed onto the cracked floor. Faint red sparks began to envelop Ivan's body and suddenly, he jerked awake and promptly fell back down next to Damian. Jason slowly walked over and jabbed his Gladius into Ivan's neck as warm blood began to seep out onto the ground.

"Good choice," Damian said as he cracked his neck and slowly got up. His wounds began to heal and all that was left was his tattered shirt and the shit ton of blood on the walls and ground.

"Let's go, I got what we needed," Damian smiled as he put on his coat and held up a red crystalized badge.

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