Percy IX --- New York--- Camp Half-Blood

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The fight was going great. Until I got skewered.

I slashed through the monsters' ranks, chopping hellhounds, stabbing dracaena, slashing through wind spirits. Why are there so many monsters? And why are they all wearing armor? My mind went on complete autopilot, roll, slash, parry, stab, dodge, slash again. Riptide cut through armor as if the armor was made of paper. Snake women exploded into dust, hellhounds melted into shadow, and venti dissolved in gusts of wind. Then I made the mistake of blocking a lightning strike.

If you don't know this yet, bronze conducts electricity, people, and it conducts it very well.

I dropped my sword, my arm tingling from an electrical surge. I rammed the venti with my shield, and it dissolved. I was just about to pick up Riptide again when I felt something cold on my stomach.

No, in my stomach.

I looked down and found a bronze spear protruding from my school uniform. Its tip glistened with blood. Annabeth screamed though she sounded miles away.

Then the whole world exploded in pain, and I blacked out.


My dreams weren't any more strange this time. Which is to say, strange.

I was back at Mt. Orthrys, carrying the weight of the sky again. I saw Lady Artemis coming towards me, then getting knocked down.

it's okay. I thought. we're going to win anyway.

Then Atlas stabbed downwards, and Artemis didn't dodge. Golden ichor, immortal blood of the gods, flew everywhere. I screamed.

Then the scene faded.

Then I was back at the bottom of the Empire State Building. Gaea"s voice called, "Soon my little pawn. Soon." No. It wasn't Gaea"s voice. It sounded deeper, almost as if Gaea had a male aspect. A husband.

A husband...

I was back at Camp Half-Blood, but something was wrong. Nobody was outside. I looked up and saw a swirling composition of clouds. It started raining, each drop sizzling on the ground. Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed.

Then the sky crashed down, and the scene faded.

"Percy..." A girl's voice called.

I've dreamt about Annabeth ever since Her Bovine Majesty (Hera) wiped my memories and carted me off to New Rome. But I then realized that this wasn't a dream. It was real.

My gut ached, and my head felt like it had been cooked, then frozen, and then microwaved again.

"Are you feeling okay?" Annabeth called, her voice full of concern.

"How did you know I was awake?" I opened my eyes.

"Because you stopped drooling."

"I thought you were done with that."

"I was. You weren't"

"Shut up."

She suppressed a smile. "Second time you've come to camp on a stretcher."

"Shut up."

"Never se..."

"Shut up!"

"Okay, okay!" She raised her hands in defeat.

Just then the door burst open. Connor Stole, son of Hermes, came in. He saw Annabeth and me and froze.

"Oh. didn't realize you were with..."

"What is it this time?" Annabeth, asked, looking annoyed.

"Uhh... Leo accidentally set the Athena cabin on fire."

"LEO? Where did he come from? And he did WHAT?"

"Umm..." Connor ran out of the door. Good thinking. You don't want to be around when

Annabeth gets angry.

"Leo's back?" I asked. Annabeth's expression told me the answer.

"I don't know. But I'm gonna kill him." She kissed me. "don't fall off."

"I'm not a 3 year old!"

Annabeth ran after Connor with her dagger in hand.

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