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“Hey guys it's me y/n and welcome back to another video. I know i haven't posted in awhile but today we are going to be doing a prank on my boyfriend mason. You guys have probably seen this everywhere but today we are going to be doing the “wiping me boyfriends kisses off prank.” I'm really nervous though because I know it's gonna make him sad and I hate to see him sad, but I need some content.” I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and texted mason.

                                                     Hey bubs, can you          please come over i wanna spend time with u 

Yeah ofc baby, ill be over in ten okay, love you

                                                                      Love you
                                                                      Read at 9:22am

“Ok guys i just texted mason and he said he was on his way. He should be here in about 10 minutes or so.” I picked up the camera and searched around my room to find a spot that mason wouldn't be able to notice. Once I did I set up the camera right behind the tv so that mason wouldn't be able to see it. I walked over to my bed and gave the camera a little thumbs up. I then went downstairs and got myself a little snack as i was walking back upstairs i heard a knock at the door, and sprinted upstairs so that way i could get his first reaction on camera

“Ok guys mason just knocked on the door so let's get this started. I really don't want to see him sad but i'm just going to try my best and stick it out for the whole day”

My mom answered the door and I heard Mason start to walk up the stairs. I sat on my bed and started watching tik tok when I heard the door open. “Hey babe i missed you.” I ran up with open arms and hugged Mason's waist. “I missed you too baby.” He used his index finger to lift up my chin and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I quickly put my hand up and wiped it off. “Why did you do that?” he slightly chuckled. “What do you mean?” I tried my best to look like I had no idea what what's going on. “Never mind.” “ok babes” i walked over to the bed and plopped down and mason layed down right next to me.

y/n: what should we watch?
M: I think we should just sit and cuddle.
y/n: ok bubs

I snuggled into Mason's arms and put my head on his chest. “I love you y/n.” “I love u more mase.” he then tightened his grip on me and kissed my forehead. I got one of my hands out of his grip and wiped my forehead “

M: Baby why are you doing that?
y/n: Mason im literally not doing anything
M: y/n you're wiping off all of my kisses.

His voice sounded so hurt. But I didn't want to give in just yet.

y/n: wanna go to target?

I was trying to change the subject so I could make the prank last a little longer. I know it was random but it was the first thing that came to my head

M: y/n-
y/n: please?
M: ok..

I hopped out of the bed and went into my closet. I wanted to wear something more comfy. I picked out one masons hoodies (that I stole) and walked out. When Mason saw me in his hoodie I saw a smile grow on his face. I honestly don't know why he was so happy about it this time. I wear his hoodies all the time.

M: y/n you look so cute
y/n: aww thank you mase!

He came over to me and picked me up into a hug (I really hope that makes sense.) We made eye contact for a few seconds and he gave me a kiss. After about 10 seconds we both pulled away. I grabbed my arm and wiped the kiss off. I felt really bad because the second I did that I saw a huge drop in his expressions. He placed me down and walked out the door. Closing it behind him.

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