°○Jealous ○°

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(Okay so like I haven't posted in 8 days do I made this 1.7k words for yall.)

(Also should I make like an actual book. Not an imagines buy an actual book. And if yes I will make one of mason, Miguel, robin, or finney. You choose cause I don't wanna make one and nobody read it. Also istg imma be more active.)



I was now on the ground of my living room floor dying of laughter as Miguel was toppled right on top of me, tickling the absolute life out of me.

Y/n: Okay okay, im sorry im sorry

Mi: I cant stop till you say it y/n

Y/n: No I refuse.

Mi: Bad Choice on your part.



I was sitting down on my island counter, feet dangling off it swaying back and forth while I was scrolling endlessly through tik tok on my phone, raising my opposite hand to tuck my hair behind my ear.

While I was scrolling I heard my stomach rumble, I didnt realise I hadn't eaten all morning, so I placed my phone by my side and jumped off the island. Using my hands as a support beam and walking towards the fridge, opening it up to see my variety that I had to eat.

I reached in and grabbed the carton of eggs, pulling them out of the fridge and setting them down on the counter, grabbing the handle on the fridge and closing it.

I walked towards the cabinet that had all of the bowls stored inside and started reaching my tiptoes to grab it off the shelf, After a lot of reaching I had finally gotten a hold of one of the bowls and pulled it down hearing it o0clink as it hit the counter.

I was walking towards the eggs that layed on the opposite side of the counter when I heard a small closing of a door and footsteps. My parents were out of the house and if they were home they would have come through the garage door, so my mind immediately went to a break in.

I knew I couldn't have ran fast enough so I looked all around the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that had caught my eye, a knife.

I walked over to it quietly and grabbed it out of the knife display running over to the corner that led me out of the kitchen with my knife held up to my chest.

I heard the footsteps getting closer so I jumped out of the corner pointing my knife in front of me at the person standing across from me. A big rush of relief ran through my body as I saw the person I had now been pointing a knife at. It was miguel

Y/n: Holy shit you scared me

I held the knife down so it was now laying at my side and put my other hand up to my heart feeling the pace slow down.

Mi: You okay there Y/n?

Y/n: No, I'm not okay. You almost made me stab you!

Mi: Please if i was a real murderer I would have grabbed that knife so fast and killed you.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, you k- wait how did you get in?

Mi:I got a key

Y/n: How? I never gave you a key.

Mi: Yeah I know. I found it in your room, and thought I should keep it.

Y/n: Uhm okay…

I turned my back and started heading back towards the kitchen as Miguel followed me, turning the corner and placing the knife down on the counter right next to my bowl that I had placed earlier and now picking up my bowl.

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