: ̗̀➛Upset Pt.1

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Me and mason had been lying on his couch for hours now watching the new season of outer banks as he was laid on top of me like a human blanket with his hands snuggled around my waist and his thumbs slowly massaging my skin. I had one of my hands tangled up in his hair, as my other one laid on his lower back.

Beside both of us sat Miguel, Madeline, Brady, Tristan and jacob. We were all watching the new season together considering we have been waiting for it to come out for years now. Tristan had his head laid on Brady's lap while Miguel, Madeline, and Jacob were all just layed down on the bean bag and reclining chairs. Maddy was sitting to the left of me and mason, and she kept making funny faces towards mason and letting out little chuckles, causing him to continuously lift his head up to face maddy and make faces back and let out more chuckles.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely loved their friendship but it does get kind of annoying when you're trying to watch a show and someone's head is constantly blocking your view.

I let out a loud sigh causing mason to immediately face from maddys gaze to mine and lock eyes with me furrowing his eyebrows and letting his bottom lip out slightly.

M: Y/n/n what's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing im fine can you just put your head down a bit?
M: Yeah of course

Mason lands a small kiss on my forehead as he puts his head down fully, but now looking at maddy without fully putting his head up so that way he wouldn't be bothering me anymore.

I got really fed up with him constantly laughing and looking at her while we were trying to watch the show and i didnt even know what they were laughing and giggling about anyways.  I quickly raised my hands up out from mason's hair and lower back, pushing his shoulders back and up from on top of me, causing him to lose his grip around me as I quickly got up from under him, standing up making direct eye contact with mikey walking towards him, harshly grabbing his hand pulling him out of the chair he was sitting in and dragging him past everybody else and upstairs, as hes wincing in pain.

M: Oww let me go!

Y/n: I didn't even grab you that hard.
M: Yes you didd! Now why am I up here when I could be down there watching obx.

Y/n: Okay it can't just be me that sees mason and maddy down their all giggly and stuff right.

M: It literally is just you, all of us are trying to watch the show your over exaggerating

Y/n: No i'm not i bet if i wasn't here they would be all over each other at this point. 

M: Y/n look at me okay.

I turn myself to be facing directly in Miguel's direction as we make eye contact, he brings his hands up as he places them on my shoulders. I look deep into his eyes as he signals me to breathe in and out. I take a few deep breaths with him and start to feel calm.

Y/n: You're right I probably am.

M: Good now can we please go back downstairs to finish the series

Y/n: yes thank you mikey you really are like my best friend

M: I know.
I let out a little chuckle as he smiles at me and turns around towards the stairs as I follow him down. Once we hit the bottom of the stairs we take a left into the room that everyone was in, I look to the place were me and mason had been sitting and i didn't see him sitting down anymore, i then turned my gaze to where maddy had been sitting and there he is sitting down on maddy’s seat as shes sitting on top of him in his lap.

I look at Mikey to see him already looking at me with wide eyes. Mason and Maddy were fully focused on the show that was playing and didn't look over once.

Mikey quickly walked over to grab the remote from Jacob's lap and pause the tv, as everyone turned their gaze towards him. He picked up his hand pointing it back and forth between mason and maddy signaling “ What the fuck are you guys doing”

Mi: Ummm what are you guys doing?

Ma: What do you mean?

Mi: I mean you are literally sitting on his lap.

Ma: Oh it was a dare from Tristan. We played a small round of t or d when you guys went upstairs.

Y/n: Well where back now so you can get up.
M: Y/n, chill out it was just a dare okay.

Y/n: Im thirsty im going back upstairs.

I swiftly turned around and started speed walking back to where the stairs were harshly going back up them.


Mi: Mason, get over here we need to talk.

M: Uhh okay.

I got up from my chair, carefully removing maddy from her position as i walked towards miguel. His face looked very furious and upset almost like he wanted to kill me.

Mi: Mason what the fuck was that?
M: What??
Mi: WhAt? You literally have maddy on your lap.
M: I told you guys it was a dare from tristan.
Mi: Well y/n doesn't think it's that way. She literally isn't having it right now. Go talk to her before she breaks the fuck up with you.

(Just clarifyinggg that maddy wasn't like faced towards mason she was js on his lap they were both facing the tv. Js to make it make more sense. Anyways get ready for pt.2)


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