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I had my arm draped over Mason's chest, and my head snuggled in the crook of his neck as my foot was on top of his under the large warm comforter.

Both of his hands were snaked around my waist and his head was placing soft kisses all around my cheek. As I was slowly drifting to sleep with my hand loosely placed around my phone that laid on Mason's chest.

I slowly pull my head up and look at Mason's beautiful brown eyes staring right back at me, as I stretch my neck up to connect my lips to his.

I was slowly kissing mason when i hear a large gust of wind coming from my left side, I whip my head backward disconnecting mine and masons lips, to see miguel walking in

Mi: Ew. Could you guys stop making out?
Y/N: You wouldn't have to see it, if you just knocked
M: Miguel get out.
Mi: Fine.

He turned back around and headed towards the door, but before leaving he turned back and bolted for the bed mason and I were on, grabbing my phone from my hand and running back out slamming the door behind him.

Y/N: That bitch.

I jump off front he bed getting goosebumps from feeling a sudden gust of cold air, my feet hitting the ground as I start bulting towards the door, opening it and running down the stairs screaming miguel's name.

Y/n: MIKEY get you ass back here
Mi: Gotta catch me.
Y/n: get back here u hijo de puta!
Mi: Wow, using my own language against me, that burns.

I ran towards the kitchen to see Miguel standing there with my phone dangling above his head, and a smirk plastered across his face.

I ran up to him jumping in an attempt to grab it, but I was much shorter than him so it hadn't worked. I was now panting jumping over and over, and had just decided to give up

Y/n: Please mikey, just give me my phone
Mi: Hmmmm
Y/n: I’ll do anything
Mi: Anything? What about a bet
Y/n: Deal. Just anything to get my phone back
Mi: Okay. You can't show mason any more signs of affection today. Including hugs, kisses, cuddles, pet names, and most importantly, hoodies.

He said as he eyed me up and down. I was dressed in masons hoodie, and nike pro shorts, I didn't want to take it off, or make mason feel bad but i mean i did really want my phone back

Y/n: Fine.
Mi: Good now here's your phone back, and start by taking the hoodie off.
Y/n: I literally hate you.
Mi: Love you too.

I snached my phone harshly out of miguels hand and swiftly turned around to walk back up the stairs, taking a right towards masons bedroom door, and twisting the doornob opening it and slowly walking in hoping mason wouldn't notice my entrance.

M: Love what are you doing?
Y/n: Uhm, what do you mean?
M: Why are you acting all sneaky?
Y/n: I'm literally not.

I said it with a bit of a harsh tone so that mason would most likely give me some space. I made eye contact with him and he looked taken aback by my comment but just looked back down at his phone, shuffling his legs showing a slight discomfort.

I turned so my back was now facing mason, and walked towards his bathroom that had been connected to his bedroom, closing the door behind me and looked at myself in the mirror one more time before pulling the hoodie over my head, dropping it on the bathroom floor.

I looked left and right, my eyes focusing on one of my oversized t-shirts that I had left here a few weeks ago. It wasn't my favourite but it was the only thing in here that wasn't his so I would have to make due with it

I walked over to the right side of the bathroom and picked up my shirt, slipping it over my head and making my way back to the door, twisting the doorknob and switching the lights off.

The second I walked out. Mason lowered the phone from his face and stared at me. His facial expressions changing very fast. One second he had a smile plastered all over his face, and the next he looked like somebody just stabbed his whole family in front of him (Am I exaggerating? Yes. Am I the one writing the story? Yes.)

M: Why did you take it off?
Y/n: Take what off? The hoodie. My bad i was just a bit hot

M: You could wear my t-shirt, you know.

Y/n: Yeah but I just don't want to.

M: Oh okay.

I then turned my gaze to the door, looking between mason and the door before turning and walking towards the door hoping mason wouldn't call me back.

M: Wait where are you going. I thought we were going to cuddle.

Y/n: Yeah uhm I think i might just go hang out with miguel for a bit

M: Can i come?

M: Sure

Mason then swung the confiter over his legs and sprug out of the bed running towards me, as I open the door and walk out taking a turn towards the stairs, and walking down to see miguel sitting watching a movie in thee living room.

Y/n: Hey mikey!

Mi: Hey y/n, hey mase.

M: Hey mikey!

I walk towards the couch Miguel was sitting on and plop myself down, while Mason takes a seat right by me. He pulled his arm up and wrapped it around my shoulder. I started pulling back a bit to hint I was in slight discomfort.

M: You okay love?

Y/n: Uhm yeah im fine.

M: You sure?

Mi: Can you two both shut up? I'm watching a movie.

I took that chance to stand up fairly quickly and walk towards the kitchen saying I was going to go make some popcorn. When I looked back I saw mason following behind me.

I was now in the kitchen heading towards the cabinet to get the popcorn off the top shelf that I couldn't reach. I tried jumping up over and over but didn't want to waste my breath trying knowing I couldn't reach it.
Y/n: Masee I can't reach it

M: Oh so now were talking

Y/n: What do you mean?

M: Y/n im not stupid. I can tell your trying to distance yourself from me

Y/n: No im not.

M: You sure?

Y/n: Mhm

The second I said that mason walked over in my direction, now towering himself over me and leaning down connecting his lips to mine. I melted into the kiss not wanting to pull away. Hearing footsteps entering the kitchen

Mi: HA.

I quickly pull myself away from mason jumping to the end of the island counter.

M: What?

Mi: I win. I get the phone for the rest of the day.
Y/n: Mikey pleasee 1 more chance

Mi: No.

Y/n: Fine, take it bitch.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and chuck it onto the counter letting him pick it up and run off with it. Im definitely one big simp for mason.

Yeah to lazy to type an update maybe next time tho. Enjoy a pic of our one and only

 Enjoy a pic of our one and only

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