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I know yall pookies missed me🤭



“Hello guys and welcome back to my channel! You may be asking why is y/n posting two videos in a week? Well Since it is very close to valentine's day I thought why not post another video this week to show you guys a little extra love!”

I was sitting on my large bed, feet dangling off swaying back and forth with my camera held in the sky by my right hand, and my left hand fiddling with my comforter. It was currently February 12th and since Valentine's day was really soon I thought it would be amazing to post two videos this week and it would be even more amazing to pull a prank on mason.

“Okay so as you guys know I love to pull pranks on mason 1. Because it makes for good content and 2. He looks insanely hot when he gets mad. So to make sure both of those things happen, I'm going to be doing a fake hickey prank. You guys have probably seen this everywhere but considering how many times I prank mason he will most likely try his best to wipe it off and that will make for a very boring prank so to fix that I will be using dry shampoo. Yes, dry shampoo.”

I got myself up from off of my bed feeling shivers run through my body as my feet hit the cold floor. I walked over to my bathroom that had been connecting t my bedroom, by opening the door and flickering on the light switch. I carefully placed the camera on the counter while letting it focus in on me as I opened the lower cabinet and grabbed my dry shampoo out from underneath.

“Okay guys so were just going to spray this on my neck and if i put it really close to my skin and hold it there for a few sec- OWW THAT FUCKING BURNS!!”

I felt an instant sting on my neck as I quickly pulled the bottle away from my skin and placed it on the counter, swiping away the excess with my finger to see a large purple bruise starting to form on my neck. Perfect. Mason would 100% fall for this.

“Okay so mason had already planned to come over today so he should be here at about 3:30 and it's 3:15 so im gonna have to set you guys up somewhere so that way he can't see you and then we can get this started.”

I clicked the pause button that was placed on top of the camera stopping the previous recording so that way I could pick it up and place it in a new spot. I held the camera in my left hand as I shut off the light to the bathroom, holding the door knob and closing it slightly leaving a crack between the door. I scanned all around my bedroom to find a place to place the camera

My eyes had landed on the corner in my bedroom that had a small couch and a lamp, I hurried over and placed the camera in between the couch and the pillow that laid on the couch. I took a few steps back and saw that it had fit perfectly and it was almost impossible to see. I turned my gaze over to the clock that hung above my bed to see it was 3:27. The time had gone by very quickly and I hadn't even noticed Mason would be here in minutes.

I took one more look in the body mirror that stood in front of me, leaning down to focus the gaze on my neck to see the burn had now looked exactly like a hickey, I couldn't wait for Mason to show up!


I was sitting on my bed with my back leaning against my bed frame, and holding my phone in my right hand scrolling through all of the new edits of me and mason on instagram since we had recently posted a video on both of our accounts. As I was humming along to one of the audios on the video i heard my front doorbell ring, finally took him long enough. I quickly jumped out of my bed with my feet smacking the cold wood floor and sprinting towards my bedroom door, opening it and running down the stairs as quickly as possible. I ran and slid on my socks across the floor making it to the front door.

Mason Thames ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now