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Here's a short Lil imagine🤗 got this idea bc I was at the mall today lmao! Also story tht nobody asked for but me and my friends almost got detained today bc of some pick me tht felt "threatened " bc she could talk all this shit over text but when she saw us irl she ran and told security tht she felt threatened-


“Okay here guess this one.” I said as I handed Mason a bottle of some eye patches from the brand florence. “Uhmm, maybe like twelve dollars?” He questioned.

“It's thirty-six.” I replied as mason quickly widened his eyes, jaw dropping as he set the product back down, not wanting to drop it.

I had seen this trend all over tiktok where a girl would give her boyfriend a product and he would guess the price of it, so i decided to try it today with my boyfriend mason so he could see how expensive things really were.

I walked around the store a few more seconds before picking up another product and placing it into mason hands “Okay guess this one.” I told him. “What is it?” He questioned. “It's a drunk elephant Glycolic Night serum” I told him with a smile across my face. “Huh?” He looked at me with the most confused expression.

“Just guess it!” I laughed as he inspected the product. “Well the packaging looks good, and the size looks reasonable. I'm going to guess..twenty five dollars”

I looked at him chuckling a bit as he raised an eyebrow “What?” He questioned me. “ It's one hundred thirty four dollars.” I stated as he took a small step back immitaley dropping the product
“Yeah okay, we're leaving, let's go.” Mason quickly grabbed my wrist, leading me out of the store.

Anna speaks:


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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