Upset Pt.2

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I was sitting upstairs on one of the chairs that was sat on the side of the island along with three others laid beside it. I had just come upstairs after seeing my friend Madeline sitting on my boyfriend's mason's lap.

I was lost deep in my thoughts replaying what had happened over and over again to not realise steps heard coming up the stairs until I looked to my right to see my boyfriend sitting beside me with a face of remorse plastered all over.

I rotated my chair not caring whatsoever and got up my socks hitting the floor but still being able to feel the cold touching my feet as i walked around the island and towards the fridge, leaning my back against it

M:Love, please don't.
Y/n: You're joking…right? You make funny faces with ,addy and laugh and giggle the whole entire time we're down there then I get up to go get water just to come back down and see her on your lap and you're telling me I'm the one joking? Then you have the AUDACITY to call me love?? So mason how bout you “PlEasE DOnT”
M: Okay first of all we weren't “laughing and giggling and secondly it was a da-
Y/n: Mason I don't care what it was. Is it really that hard for you to just accept that you were in the wrong and apologise.
M: But i didn't do an-
Y/n: Yeah no. Come to me when you learn how to fucking aplologize.

I harshly walked back toward the stars with my feet making rough contact with the wood below, opening the basement door and continuing to walk down the stairs and towards the couches were everybody else was sitting and back to my previous seat, watching the show with everyone else all their eyes being on me questioning what had happened.

It had been about ten minutes of us watching the show as I heard the sound of a door opening and feet hitting the stairs. I whipped my head around to see Mason standing there leaning his body against the railing and raising his pointer finger up, signalling me to come back to where he was.

I rolled my eyes as I hesitantly got up from my seat and walked back to where Mason had been standing, watching as only Miguel turned his gaze to see what we had been doing.

Y/N: Mhm?
M: Okay y/n. Im really really REALLY sorry for what i did okay? I didn't know that it would upset you that much and make you feel uncomfortable like that. I hate seeing you mad and I feel terrible. Please love, forgive me?
Y/n: mmmm maybe…

I saw Mason get closer to me as he snaked his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder, embracing me in his presence.

M: Please

Y/n: Fine.

I let out a small chuckle detaching myself from Mason and looking back towards Miguel to see him still looking over at us. I gave him a small thumbs up with a large smile on my face, him giving me two thumbs ups in return. God, I'm really grateful to have these people in my life.

(Hehehe me posting for two days in a row?? I would say it's hc I have a lot of free time but thts a lie I actually have 5 missing assignments and a test I have to redo bc I got 22 precent. And also I'm this close to telling my 1st period teacher to gi suck a dick cause she's annoying as duck. But yk I'm js posting bc instead of doing my missing assignments I decided to write some bootyful books for yall🫶)

(Also I js found this pic cute heel so here's me this morning before school air ruined everything)

(Also I js found this pic cute heel so here's me this morning before school air ruined everything)

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