ღMovie Nightღ

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I was currently sitting inside of the uber on my way to Mason's house. We had planned to have a movie night tonight, and I was bringin the snacks, while he would be renting the movie we would be watching.

I was looking out of the car window as I counted all of the cars that passed us, to make the time go by faster. And luckily it had worked because before I had known it we were pulling up onto masons street.

A big smile spread across my face as I quickly unbuckled my seat belt, hearing the driver unlock the doors, as I opened it as quickly as possible and ran out.

I was on the driveway sprinting to the front door with target bags full of snacks in both of my hands, and a backpack strapped over my shoulder with all of my belongings, since I would be staying the night.

I quickly got to the front door and knocked it loudly, over and over again (Girl better get her goofy ahh off my front porch.)

Right as i was about to knock it again i heard the door unlock as it slowly opened, It was brooke, masons sister

B: Hey y/n!
Y/n: Hey Brooke, is Mason home?
B: Yeah, he’s upstairs in his room. He's been waiting for you to come, hasn't shut up about you all day long
Y/n: haha, well he's been on my mind all day as well.

I walked in through the door placing the target bags on the floor as I unlaced my shoes setting them on the mat next to all the other shoes, keeping my socks on (bc nobody wants the dogs out)

I quickly picked the target bags back up and raced past the office, and bathroom to get to the stairs, running up them as if I was being chased.

As soon as I had made my way up the stairs I made a left turn to  Mason's door that had been fully shut, but able to hear him singing his lungs out.

I slowly turned the door knob, opening it, and staring at mason dancing all around his room yelling lyrics that were definitely off key

M:“Bitches out there be on the lookout for captain save a hoe because he's saving hoes”

I was giggling at Mason as I started leaning on the door watching him dance and sing all around, until he turned my way and made eye contact with me immediately stopping.

Y/n: Don't stop love, I was enjoying it.
M: how long have you been there

I pick my hand up and look at my arm for the imaginary watch that was there and frowning my eyebrows in a thinking motion.

Y/n: about 3 minutes.
M: good.

I don't know what he meant by that, but it didn't bother me very much because he took his airpods out and placed them back in their casing setting them down on his night stand.

Hee turned back to look at me and started smiling as he walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down to place a small but gentle kiss on my lips.

M: Did you get my hot cheetos?

He says as he slowly pulls away and connects his nose to mine, smiling.

Y/n: I thought you guys broke up?
M: Yeah but, were friends with benefits now
Y/n: mhmm, is that so?
M: Yes.
Y/n: Well in that case, yes i did

Right as I was about to give Mason another kiss we heard the door open as we both quickly turned to face it.

B: He mase, i have a que-
Mason quickly unravelled his hands from my waist and turned his head to now look at his sister that was standing at his door frame,with disgust.

M: Brooke you're supposed to knock.
B: Well SoOOooOrry i didn't know you guys would be making out.
M: Well first off, we weren't making out, and second. KNOCK.

Mason said as he walked towards his bedroom door slamming it in Brooks' face. He turned himself back at me and scratched the back of his neck, as if he was akwarded out.

M: So enough of that, should we watch the movie now?
Y/n: haha, it's okay mase. And yes we can watch the movie now.

I turned around to pick up the target bags, and grab the chips and drinks to set them down on his night stand.

Y/n: Okay, we got hot cheetos, potato chips, salt and vinegar, doritos,and a lotttt of candy.
M: Wow thats a lo-

Y/n: oh and soda.

M: That's a lot of stuff y/n.

Y/n: what can i say? I came prepared

Mason let out a small chuckle as he made his way to his bed, getting all the blankets set up to make it as comfy as possible for the both of us.

M: What movie should we watch?
Y/n: The black phone! But it might be a bit scary because it has a few jumpscares.
M: love, i know i was in the movie
Y/n: oh right, i forget that sometimes.

I let out a small laugh as I walked towards him and set down the snacks, hopping on the bed to get myself comfortable.

M: Okay, ready to start the movie?
Y/n: Yes.

He leaps right next to me and lays down, grabbing my waist and moving me closer to him snuggling his face in my neck as he starts the movie.

I was one lucky girl.
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Okay yall so ik I took a a week break off bc I had writers block but I'm backkkkk🤭 also I ALMOST HAVE 1K READS so tysm for that u guys. Anyways thank u guys so much for commenting in how much u guys liked my books u don't understand how much that means to me, don't forget to leave suggestions. And I may or may not be releasing a robin Arellano imagines book on the 25th. So uhm when I release that olz go and check it out, but yeah also to make up for all the days I've missed I'm posting today, tommrow, Sunday, and Monday so 4 days straight. So that should be all the updates rn and luv u guys❤️❤️❤️

 So that should be all the updates rn and luv u guys❤️❤️❤️

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