. . Agenda . .

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Ok this isn't a story guys soryyyy but it is my posting times for the rest of the month and what I will he posting so yeah here it is❤️(plz give ideas on one's you would like to see in the future or ones that u would prefer me to change)

Wensday Jan 11- ꕥSceneꕥ

Saturday Jan 14- ღMovie Nightღ

Tuesday Jan 17- ꕥBetꕥ

Friday Jan 20- ღJeleousღ

Monday Jan 23- ꕥVideo Gamesꕥ

Thursday Jan 26- ღPeriodღ

Sunday Jan 29- ꕥPrankꕥ

Btw guys that's how it should be at LATEST I'm might post a day or two earlier but my story's at most should come out three days apart , we'll hope yall enjoyed see u guys on the 11th or maybe tmmrw cause I'm almost done w the story ❤️

Btw guys that's how it should be at LATEST I'm might post a day or two earlier but my story's at most should come out three days apart , we'll hope yall enjoyed see u guys on the 11th or maybe tmmrw cause I'm almost done w the story ❤️

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