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Little announcement before we start

I recently just released 5 new books so now I have 10 books in the making!! I couldn't thank you guys Enough for this!!! Also thank you for 30k reads its an absolute dream come true!! And lastly thank you guys for 100 followers so happy for all Mt achievements could have don't it without u guys🤗



I opened up my bottom drawer to my right, as I was in the bathroom getting ready to start my skincare routine before I went to bed.

Mason had been at my house but he was downstairs making conversation with my older brother about god knows what.

I dug through the drawer looking for my skincare headband not being able to find it, as i turned around seeing mason standing there

Y/n- Holy shit you scared me!

M- Sorry love, didn't mean too

I put my hand over my heart feeling its pace increase front he little jump scare i had just gotten, as it started to slow down i continued to look for the headband

M-What are you looking for?

Y/n- My skincare headband, i can't find it

M- Is that it?

Mason pointed to a blue and white headband that had been placed on the bathroom counter, as a pink and white one sat next to it.

Y/n- Yes, thank god you're a lifesaver!

M- Yeah no problem!

I grabbed the pink and white headband, pulling it over my head and rolling it back up my forehead stopping it right at the tip of my forehead.

Y/n- Oh oh idea!

M- What?

I started jumping a bit as I had a big smile on my face, me looking back to the blue headband as I picked it up, facing it towards mason.
M- No.

Y/n- Please, please, pleaseeee

M- hmm..fine. But this better not make me breakout.

Y/n- I swear it won't!! Put this on and then sit on the counter!

Mason let out a small smile as he placed on the headband, and jumped himself on the counter as I went into my drawer and pulled out my cleanser, popping the lid open.

M- What is that?

Y/n- Its cleanser, it's going to be a little cold but just trust me, k

M- if you say so

I walked towards Mason standing in between his legs as I started softly spreading the skincare across his whole face, watching him scrunch his face from the cold.

M- Its cold and gooey, i don't like it.

Y/n- Its good for your skin okay just trust the process

I heard a slight sigh leave masons lips as he looked back down at me concentrated on making sure i spread the cleanser perfectly.

Y/n- Stop looking at me like that your making me nervous

M- Looking at you like how?

Y/n- Like thattt!

Mason let out a slight chuckle as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. God, I loved this man.

Mason Thames ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now