An Appointment Gone Wild

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We have an appointment to see our baby today and so far things are finally calming down after the gala. We have decided never to have another one at our home again. Mom said she thought it would be best if there were no mare galas held at our homes ever again. Granted it brought in a lot of money and business for Mia and me and even dad, she felt it finally got too risky for all concerned to have people on our property at all. Things could have gotten far worse and they had, I just couldn't tell anyone what happened later. Christian knows and so does Anastasia, we found out something about Anastasia that none of us knew and she ended up saving lives that night. She might be tiny but she is mighty when it comes to protecting her family. She saved me, Kate our baby and Christian by disarming yet another one my other sexual conquest. I was petrified that Kate would be killed but just as things were at an impasse Anastasia kicked the gun out of her hand and grabbed it as it was coming down and pointed at her head and told her to get down on her belly and then security swarmed in and took over. Gwen was taken away and the cops questioned us all as to what happened. Since my marriage all these women are coming out of the woodwork.

We are waiting for dr Greene to see us and Elliott is checking out the books in the waiting room as all the women are eyeing him and a few children are hanging on their pregnant mothers. It is not a room that is inviting to men and they are very uncomfortable waiting with their wives. Elliott is trying though. He has been holding my hand off and on between trying to read articles on pregnancy and babies. I am still reeling from that gala and everything that happened. We finally get called back to see dr Greene and we are taken in to see the doctor and the nurse has me pee in a cup and put on one of those paper gowns. I hate them and I am not alone with my feelings. As I am waiting in the room as I was told someone comes in and has me get on the table after they ask me to pull my panties off and put my feet up in the stirrups. I still haven't seen Elliott and then I realize Elliott was the one asking me to take off my panties. Omg I just realized what he is about to do. My husband can be very kinky, but not at the doctors office. I luckily hear the door open and hear him scramble to cover me up and stop what he was doing. I will never bring him here again. Sicko. Dr Greene just laughed.

Dr Greene
This happens a lot and is why we try not to leave the couples alone in this room long or at all. I  gets things ready to do an internal ultrasound and both are watching everything I am doing and I show them their baby on the screen and I get photos for us to take with them. I tell them the baby looks good so far and they aren't very far along. I have them get ready and we can get blood samples and talk in the office after she gets dressed. I ask mr Grey to follow me into my office to fill out papers. (Really I am stopping him from doing what I nearly caught him doing earlier to his wife).

Glad she had Elliott leave with her so he wouldn't try to continue what he was going to do before she came into the room. I get dressed after cleaning up and going to the restroom again. I go into the doctors office and Elliott is filling paperwork out and I sit down and the doctor starts telling me my due date and she has a nurse take the bloodwork while she is getting things for us to take home. She turns to me and tells me what she is giving me to take home on what to expect. We finally get our next appointment and I tell Elliott he is staying home from now on. No wonder those women don't bring their husbands here. At least he wasn't the only guy who attempted things with their mate while they were in the stirrups.

Kate told me she didn't want me to come with her on her OB/GYN appointments and it worked out great. One of my employees told me how to get her to not want me to join her at her OB/GYN appointments ever again. He did it to his wife on their first visit to see their baby. He told me exactly what to do and it worked great. I am off the hook. This will go to my grave with me. 

Dr Greene
I had a feeling that Mrs Grey was not going to bring her husband back after what I walked in on. I think this was what he planned to do. Some men will do anything to get out of all this female stuff even if it is their baby too. There are men who want to go through it all with their wives and then there are those who just want to be there for the baby being handed to him in the nursery. Those guys are in the waiting room waiting to hear what sex their child is. Then there are the ones whose wives want them in the delivery room and to watch everything and be there to cut the cord. I think we have a fainter in Elliott Grey. He sees the head coming out and he passes out. Who knows until the baby arrives what they are going to be like.

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