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I paid very well to get hold of this person and as soon as she heard my voice she knew I was going to assure she would not have a pleasant life. I have not decided her fate yet, but I want to assure she never escapes again from anyone. We have seen the news about her dying of her gun shot wounds. I have my ways to get things done and they have gotten done. I smile at my guest as he tells me he can keep her hidden and she will never escape from him or anyone. I don't ask him about what he wants to do with her after all she is a tempting morsel even with the scars. I hand him the keys to her cage and he hands me something I never asked for. They move the cage into a truck headed to who knows where. I decide to stay a few days in Seattle.

We got news of the death of the woman that Anastasia shot. I can't believe she died. I tried to see the autopsy but they told me that because I was the shooters mother in law I couldn't have any involvement in it at all. Then we find out her body is missing. She somehow escaped is the first thought in my mind. No body, no autopsy and no information about how it all happened. I can't get to the records at all. I just happened to overhear things about her in passing. So we have no body and no one to stand trial for an attempted murder of my daughter in law. I don't know who is the maddest about it, but I suspect it is equal for all of us.

Detective Ford
I stay for a month longer and then I leave as I know the cops have given up any hope of finding the body or the woman herself. Lewis has her now.

Marilou Holden
At first I thought I was really dead but something was saying that I wasn't dead. I heard the time of death and then I felt myself being moved. I couldn't see because I couldn't open my eyes to see anything I actually couldn't move either. The last thing I recalled was something going through my veins. I am hearing things and then I am being moved and quickly. I hear something about transporting me to a new place and set up the cage. Cage? For me? Soon I am given something to help me wake up and finally move. Someone checks on my wound and changes the dressing and I feel like I am naked and in a box of some kind. I see vents and two way glass and hear a voice that is very familiar. Lewis is talking to me and telling me that my life is no longer my own and he has given me to someone who will show me how many kinds of pain emotionally and physically that I deserve after what I did to the love of his life.

Unknown Owner
I check her out they have taken photos of every inch of her and I agreed to take her. What a waste of a body, well I can put it to good use and she will wished she had never killed or tried to kill after I am done with her. I will then make sure she suffers further. The cage she is in is too good for the likes of her, but I can't have her damaged in shipping. She has a mouth on her that's for sure, well that might cause issues.

No one has any answers about Marilou Holdens body went to and they can't find her records at this point. There is no way this was her escaping, someone helped her get a2ay. I have no idea who did. Mom said they are doing internal investigations at this point and absolutely nothing is coming of it. It is like she was never in the hospital or in custody at all. Even the police reports can't be found. We know it happened we have the usb drives showing it. Without the body or anything we can't do much but try to find out where she is. All the paperwork was there and now it isn't.

I have heard of this kind of thing and I am sure they will never find anything or her ever again. They didn't find the other person either. I really wanted my day in court, but someone wanted her. It has been six months and nothing. It was like it never happened. I know it did. Kate's attacker went to prison and her trial was quick. The others were as well. They pretty much pled out. The pregnant one was committed and the baby was taken a2ay from her and someone adopted him.

I have been moved again and I am still naked. Soon a man walks in and pulls me by the chains around he put around my neck and leads me out. I am sprayed down with a hose with suds going everywhere. I am not the only one getting sprayed. I don't know where I am. We are all led into a building and we are placed in small cubicles and we are posed so people can view us as they go by. Suddenly they are also touching us anywhere they wish. I try to stop it but am soon held down so I can be inspected further. I feel like a piece of meat. Soon we are all taken by various people and they tag us each with a tracking device under our skin. They tested it after they placed it in. I need to escape this situation. Just as I think that I am given food and drink and taken to use a restroom, soon after I am very drowsy.

My friend has found her a home and she will never be seen again.

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