A Party To Remember Or Forget?

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Things have started on time and security is tight. The only issues are going to be guests of our invitees. We had everything in hand so far, but there are a few last minute additions to the plus ones that we couldn't get confirmed that they were definitely related in some way to the invitee, but we couldn't get the background checks in time for their arrivals. Plus we had not been given the plus ones names on numerous of the single invitees. I couldn't get this contingency agreed upon because we are talking about certain societal privileges for this party even though security is tight, we have to allow for changes in regards to our invitees. So we might be on alert for issues with guests of invitees and for now I have to trust the security staff and let them handle that at this point. We have given them our staff and crew temporary or otherwise.

Kate is loving being the hostess and I am glad she is hosting along with Elliott. Carrick and I can relax and enjoy while they do the heavy lifting. Her parents, Carrick and I are finally enjoying the party. Security is being exceptionally on guard tonight. Apparently this place has the latest security features and they have all the blind corners covered and the house is off limits to everyone but authorized staff and security. It is amazing how nice this home is and I can understand that Kate doesn't want people going inside when the areas outside are fantastic and between the huge covered patio and the area where they were married are very spacious. Mia brought in those luxury port a lets that are kept pristine by staff. Plus there are internal restrooms in outbuildings close to the event. The stage is set up very well with all the auction listings at the front of the stage. The singles first auction list are full and still being added to as Kate and Elliott have persuaded each single person to sign up for them. I never thought about doing that.

I had to leave to handle something and left Elliott to greet guests and Grace and my mother took over for me. I am pretty sure I am sick because I am pregnant, but I haven't seen the doctor yet. As I head back after brushing my teeth and using mouthwash, I grab a seven up in a champagne flute. I see Elliott looking at a young lady and he is unhappy but he doesn't let on much else. I go up and stand by him and he smiles and introduces Lisa a young woman he had known before we started seeing each other. This person is trouble with a capital T. I have heard about her antics and I also was at his apartment when she came by to see Elliott. When I answered his door at three am in a robe she was belligerent and told me a bunch of lies about him calling her over for a booty call. This was the first and last Lisa he ever dated. Well if you call having sex dating that is. I don't. She has been escorted to her table by her sister Gretchen who asked her to control herself and the rest of the guest were backing up. She signed up for the first dance auction and informed Elliott she would be thrilled if he bought hers. How subtle can she get lol. Security has arrived and Lisa and her sister have been escorted to their table by this time. Elliott apologizes to the rest of the guests and he knows I don't need an explanation because there are numerous young women that have done this before and apparently this one is still going after the unattainable for her. Security is now aware that this Lisa is a threat and are watching her closely. Well this evening has just begun, but I am thinking we are going to have a huge issue with Lisa.

I think I nearly fainted when Lisa appears in the guests line and she has signed up for the single dance auction. Her sister Gretchen is flirting away with me and mom and my mother in law are watching all of this and I pretend to not notice because mom knows Gretchen from work. Finally Kate arrives and she has a flute with what smells like seven up to me, but looks like champagne to others. I had leaned over to kiss her when I smelled it and the mouthwash. She realized that I was on edge and recognized Lisa from her three am encounters at my apartment. I am going to look into a restraining order at this point. Security thank God finally escorted them to their table. Lisa more than hinted she wanted me to bid on her at the first dance auction in front of Kate.

I am sure that this girl is the one Kate told me about knocking on Elliott's apartment door at three am and he looks like a ghost and Kate seems to have finally arrived to rescue her husband yet again from her. I watch her and her sister before Kate arrives and these two have no respect for the fact he is married now. He looks very uncomfortable and for good reason. The one tells Elliott in front of Kate she would be thrilled if he bid and won her first dance. I can tell everyone was stunned at her boldness in front of everyone concerning a married a newlywed at that. Security finally helped them find their table. She is going to be disappointed about her first dance bid. Elliott was livid that she was even here much less telling him to bid on her first dance. She did this in front of Kate, me and his mother.

I am in an odd situation here and I am not sure what is going on, but I do know about a few of Elliott's female conquests have thought it was more than just casual and had tried to cause issues and here is one of them and she is sister to an employee I work with, but both are flirting with Elliott knowing he is married. I am glad security moved them to their table, although they looked like the wait staff.

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