Convenience Store - Han Jisung (Skz) part 2

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A little review~

I reserved us a seat on an outdoor table near the welcome door. I messed with my phone before she comes out with a plastic bag.

Y/n: Here.
Jisung:*wink* Thank you Madam Lee.
Y/n:*rolled eyes* Go and cook it.
Jisung: Why me?
Y/n: Why not you?
Jisung:*whine* Cook it for me?
Y/n: Not happening. Go!
Jisung: Hmph!


Y/n p.o.v

Jisung left the table holding two ramens in his hand and some snacks that needs to be re-heated. I open our drinks and tidy up the table a little. Busy with my own work, I missed the sight of my ex heading over here with his girlfriend, holding an umbrella upon them.

When my eyes sight caught them, I regret sending Jisung in to cook the ramens now. I could see how he notices and come closer to me. And, yeah, with his smirking girlfriend. I just sighed and ready myself for whatever gonna come.

Jisung: I'm here!
Y/n:*surprise* Ya!
Jisung:*chuckle* I got you.
Y/n:*rolled eyes* You warmth all the food?
Jisung:*nod* Of course!

I try my best to send signals to Jisung. Telling him that the bastard I hate the most is coming towards us. But, Jisung being Jisung, he decides to be stupid at the stupidest time.

Jisung:*whisper-yell* Isn't that (y/n's ex)?
Y/n:*nod**whisper-yell* You finally notice it!
Jisung:*whisper-yell* Why is he here?!
Y/n:*whisper-yell* How am I supposed to know that?

Jisung: Oh! I got an idea!
Y/n: Not a foolish one please.

He takes a seat beside me by moving his chair that was once across me to beside me. He holds my chin and make me to look at him. I raised my eyebrows asking him what the heck he is doing right now.

Jisung:*smile* Just believe on me for this.

I stayed in the position Jisung leads me in. In this position, his eyes travels behind me watching that bastard's movement. I realize how good he actually looks. Though I kept on calling him ugly, he actually is handsome. He really is. I also remember that how he always stay by my side. Even when I'm at lowest time, he is still there beside me.

Jisung:*concern* Are you okay? Do you want to leave?
Y/n:*smile**flick Jisung's forehead* How can you leave when it basically still raining?
Jisung: Well, we can play with the rain?
Y/n: And, get sick? No thanks.
Jisung:*shrugged* I'm just suggesting.
Y/n:*shake her head* Where is my noodles?
Jisung: Here *smirk* no need to praise me so much.
Y/n:*rolled eyes* As if.

Jisung succeed in directing my attention towards him and ignoring others. We teased and picked on each other, until the bastard that is sure are uninvited ruin the time for us.

Y/n's ex:*smirk* Looks whose here.
Ex's girlfriend: Your ex isn't she? The ugly one.

Damn, I never know a laugh that bad could exist.

Y/n: And?
Y/n's ex: Don't be that cold to my baby now, can you?

His new girlfriend keeps on clinging on his body. Swinging here and there. I swear if she accidentally touch my food, imma end her at this moment.

I'm busy hiding my disgust face from them when I finally realize what has Jisung been doing since just now. He opened all the plastic wrapper left on the food, mixing all the seasoning in it.

Jisung: Babe?

Jisung: Babe?

Jisung:*whine* Babe, look at me.
Y/n:*confused**whisper* What ade you doing?
Jisung: Babe feed me?

I just stare at him, confused by the sudden nicknames. As I stare for a little while longer, I finally realize what he is trying to tell me.

Y/n: Aigoo, my baby can't even eat by himself now?
Jisung:*pout* Need my baby to feed me.

Y/n's ex:*grossed out* The f is happening?
Jisung:*ignore* I want this and this please.
Y/n: Sure babe, everything you want.
Y/n's ex: Are you ignoring me now?
Jisung: And who are you?
Y/n's ex:*triggered* Yo-
Jisung:*smirk* What? Wanna fight?
Y/n: Babe.

Author p.o.v

Jisung really try to trigger y/n's ex anger by mentioning every single little thing. His outfit, his way of talking, his logic, basically everything. As if Jisung is trying to take a revenge on him. After some times passed, y/b's ex new girlfriend finally decided to butt in and complaints about how cold she feels.

Y/n's ex: You should be lucky it's raining today.
Jisung:*smirk* If not? You're gonna take me down?
Y/n's ex: Yo-
Jisung: With that kind o-

Y/n: Alright there, relax babe. No need to tolerate a stupid one you know.

After they left, Jisung and y/n laugh out loud. They sure managed to fight those annoying couple off.

Jisung:*laughing* Did you saw his face just now?
Y/n:*laughing* I know right, his face is so red!

'This is the only chance.'

Jisung: Hey.
Y/n: Hm?
Jisung: Em- *nervous*
Y/n: What is it? You are making me nervous you know.
Jisung:*mumble* F it.

Jisung: I love you.
Y/n:*joking* And I hate you.
Jisung:*shake his head* I truly mean it. I love you *take a deep breath* more than friend.
Y/n:*taken back*W-wh-what?
Jisung: You can tell me honestly. *blabber* It's ok if you don't have the same feeling, or you feel uncomfortable, or everything. O-or you don't want to se-

Y/n quickly plant a kiss on the mumbling boy cheek hoping that it could quiet him down from all the blubbering he is doing, and it sure does.

Y/n:*smile* And I love you too dork.

Y/n:*blush* Took you quite a long time to finally confess.

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