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Wednesday was calmly seated on her rooms Balcony, her Cello on her lap, she had just finished playing her favorite song, "paint it black" and she was planning to play another one. But she had gotten distracted by her thoughts. Again. One second she was thinking about a song to play, and the other she suddenly thinks of this long wavy hair and icy blue eyes.
It happened a lot lately by the way. Her getting distracted easily, she couldn't explain it, she'd just have to ask Enid about it when she'd get back this year.
Until then tho...she still had a certain problem to solve. Xavier...
Wednesday couldn't name it. But there was a...feeling...she almost felt...bad? She didn't knew. But it was kind of feeling if emptiness in her, almost as if there had to be something done to fill that emptiness.
'Hate to break it into you but that 'emty feeling' is gulit love!' Was heard Goddys voice in her head.
She had to keep herself from groaning.
Since she let goofy heal her, it was like 2 souls lived in her. One goody's and one her she had to admit, just like before goody only came out rarely, but it was still annoying because everytime goody would get bored she'd start talking non-stop. Or she'd go look trough her memories and bring up every little embarrassing detail she'd done. She was a pain in ass. Except, for her case it was pain in brain.
Nevertheless, she'd never except goody to be version 2 of Enid. As soon as the...Fighting. has been over, a literall Enid N.2 started to yell in her ears.

'I rather fill my ears with mud than listen to you. I'll probably do that anyway' Wednesday muttered, Goody giggled, 'I suggest you to text him. Remember what he said? 'I'd settle for a text tought'" Wednesday sucked in a breath. He did say that. She'd give goody one. But she was still very much against of begin a slave of Socical media. On one hand, that, but on the other, gulit wad eating her up. What a disgusting feeling it really was...she felt so disgusted with herself for feeling anything. And gulit of all things. Maybe just one text would make it all better.

She entered her room and grabbed the box, taking a swipe at it, it immediately opened up, looks like it wasn't locked yet. 'Now how do i use this..' Wednesday thought. She looked trough all the icons, trying to read the small font that was used of what she thought was the icon names. 'This is torture. Bad type of torture. I'm never doing it again' she thought annoyedly. Suddenly, she found an icon that said 'messages', clicking on it, a new window popped up, and the one and only name she saw there was all too familiar with her.
Xavier had saved himself in very simply,
'Xavier Thorpe' it said.

She sat on her bed as she just stared down at it. "How I'm I supposed to even write a text on here?" She said out loud, and suddenly, thing climbed right besides her. Scooting closer, he tapped the bar on very below of the screen, only for a mini keyboard to pop up. Wednesday raised her eyebrows. "Who thought you that?" She asked as she turned her head to thing. Thing tapped on the bed. "Of course. Enid." Wednesday said flatly. She then looked back down at the keyboard.
"Hello Xavier" she had typed. "Now what?" She asked. Thing climbed on her lap and klicked on the airplane button in corner, only for the text to dissappear from the bar and appear in corner, right above the airplane button. "There. One message done. It should be enough." Wednesday said as she was about to put her phone down, suddenly, she Remember the events that happened back in her car. The stalker...
"Thing, how do I go back to the names?" She asked. Thing tapped on something in left corner up and suddenly she was back on home page. Only now did she notice the second name under Xavier. Sadly, as it was not yet saved it didn't say who it was. Wednesday opened up the chat. They haven't texted since she left Nevermore, so it was someone from there...
Suddenly a text popped up.
"Hello Wednesday," It said.
Wednesday klicked on it, it took her back to hers and Xaviers page. Xavier had texted back.
"Didn't thought you'd actually text :)" the next message Said. Wednesday copied things earlier movements and pulled the keyboard up. "I wasn't planning to send more than one" she wrote. "Oh well, I won't distrupt you any longer're coming for this semaster tho, right?" Wednesday hesitated. She had planned not to. Her parents were also no longer forcing.

But back down from a mystery?
Now where was the fun in that?

Wednesday looked back down at her phone and started to type.


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