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There was a new student in Nevermore. It was a week since Tyler had transferred. The whispers had died down, people started to trust him, and he even made couple of friends. What annoyed Xavier the most, however, was that Tyler was never In their now shared dorm. He was always over at Ophelia hall, Morticia had announced that since the hyde inside him carved to be near his master most of the time, he got the privilege to be at her dorm. Every evening he was by her bed and they talked until she fell asleep. Only then would he eave for his own dorm.

Month has passed. Wednesday was able to stand again. And she resumed walking in the halls with her head high as if she owned the place. Well, now her mother begin the principal, she technically did so.


It was a calm evening when she decided to take a walk in the forest. Only in middle of it, it started pouring. She was standing without moving. Enjoying the raindrops washing her over when suddenly, it stopped. She looked up, and found herself under a umbrella.

"Why hello there." Looking besides her she saw Xavier smiling at her.

"Greetings, how did you get here?" she asked with a nodd.

"decided to clear my head, than I saw you standing here" he shrugged. Wednesday nodded as she started to walk. Xavier followed.

"you have been avoiding me, why is that?" she asked without sparing him a glance. Xavier frowned. "I have not" he declined.

"you have. I do not recall you showing up when I was un-well, you did not approach me after that either."

Xavier snorted. "well I just figured after Galpin trailing behind your feet like a lost puppy 24/7 You had enough company" he spoke with spite. Wednesday frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?" she said as she stopped in her tracks. Xavier let out an exhausted sigh and stopped in front of her, facing her.

"Honestly Wednesday? What do you want? Last semester when I actually tried to get your attention you were drawing back. All I got in return was suspection and hatred. Now when I'm keeping my distance you're asking why? For once. Can't you leave that selfish self of yours behind and actually try to understand others?" he spat somewhat at rage. A sneer crossing his face as he did so.

Wednesday's eyed seemed to soften "I...I'm just confused-"

"THAT doesn't give you the right to take it out on me! Figure yourself out and THEN come to me Yeah?" Xavier snapped. Wednesday frowned.

"I can't believe I ever loved someone like you Addmas" He sneered.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. As if realizing what he just said.


He had let his anger issues take the best of him. Again.

His eyes softened once he noticed Wednesday's eyes become glassy with tears. She swallowed and looked down, nodding.

"Yeah. I can take a hint, you said the same thing in the cell back then. I apologise for wasting your time. Ill be on my way." She nodded as she turned on her hill and moved away with fast steps.

"Wednesday! No Wait-" He started but cut himself off with a groan. His outbrusts were getting too much...even for him.


"Wednesday? Come get up already! We will be late!" Enid urged as she buttoned her uniform and glanced at Wednsday who lay in her bed, her back to her and knees up her chest. Staring in daze.

Enid frowned.

"Wednesday? Are you ok?" she asked softly as she walked up to her, getting around her bed she sat near her face.

No answer.

Instead Wednesday started to tear up. She did nothing to stop it.

Enid's eyes softened "hey...are you unwell? Do you want me to call your mother?" she asked softly as she moved her hair black hair out of her eyes.

Wednesday blinked, and then slowly closed her eyes.

"You do not need to inform my mother. Go Enid. I'll stay in today" she said.

Enid nodded. "Alright...I'll, I'll be back soon to check up on you alright?" she spoke with a little smile. Wednesday nodded and with that, Enid left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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