Ch.4-"We're in this together"

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Try taking guesses from the title☻️
Hint: it has nothing to do with Wavier or Enid<3


It was 8:20 on friday, Wednesday was getting ready for her meeting with Nightshades. Bianca had given her the Uniform couple of days ago and told her to wear the uniform on every meeting and take the mask just in case.

So there she was now. On exactly 8:50 she was standing in middle of the library.

"You're here early" was heard familiar voice behind her, she turned around to see the nightshades standing behind her, Bianca and Xavier had smiles over their faces while others just looked confused.
"What is she doing here? And why does she have the uniform?" Yoko asked.

"Well. I forgot to tell yall. shes our new member!" Bianca grinned.
"Cool!" Divina clapped with excitement
Yoko gulped. Wednesday also noted that she looked extremely bothered from the whole situation and her girlfriends excitement.

"Well. Welcome to the group" Ajax said with a smile.
"Welcome" said everyone in row.

"Uh– thanks." Wednesday said awkwardly.
"My apologies Wednesday, I forgot to warn you, we usually meet up on top of the stairs, right in front of the statue on 8:50. Then we come down here together and just start the meeting." Bianca said.
"Understood" Wednesday nodded.
"Alright! Let's start the meeting then!" Bianca announced.


The meeting had ended and everyone started leaving, the twins already left. Wednesday was about to go too but Yoko caught her wrist. Taking the hint, Wednesday stopped and remained silent. Waiting for the room to get empty.

Once everyone left, Wednesday snatched her wrist from her.
"I don't like it when people touch me" she sneered.
"Apologies" Yoko said, stepping away from her.
"What do you want?" Wednesday asked.
"To help you" Came as an answer.
Wednesdays brows furrowed.
"I don't want you to panic now but..." yoko started.
"I am your stalker." She said.

Wednesdays eyes widened a bit.
"Why are you telling me this then?" She asked suspiciously.
"Listen. Laurel is alive. She wanted me to stalk you. She paid me. But this group is lot more important for me, you're new but this is like a family to me. Every new member is a new family member. And I can not betray a family member. That what rules say too doesn't it? We can not betray each other. But laurels a psycho. I can't just tell no to her. She will straight up kill me. If I don't do it sooner, and as much as I'd enjoy drinking her blood, I don't want to become a killer just yet. So that what we're gonna do..I'm going to become an ally for you" she said.

"I'm impressed." Wednesday stated. "And what perks does it have?" She asked.
"Well" yoko continued.
"Laurel trusts me a lot more than she should. She always tells me her plans and all. She checks my phone so don't be surprised if I'll send more pictures of you. But don't be afraid also. I'm not your enemy. I'm Laurels." Yoko assured.
Wednesday remained quiet as she eyed her suspiciously.

"Listen, I know you don't do 'trust', but this is the only way for now. We have to trust each other. And please make sure nobody finds out. This Could get tricky." Yoko warned.
"...fine. let the game start. But just so you know, Xavier and Enid already know I have a stalker" Wednesday said.
Yoko seemed to be considering her words for a while 'till nodding.
"I'm close with both. Just dont say anything else. We will explain everything to them once the time comes. For now. We're In this together." She said as she held her hand out.
Wednesdays look switched to her hand, than back up at her eyes.
"We're in this together." She repeated and shaked her hand.

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