Ch.6 he's back.

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Wednesday opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that she was alive. Unfortunately.

Sitting up, she looked around, where was she? Suddenly she remembered it all, Tyler saved her. Tyler! He. He was out there! She thought he was in jail...

She was in this thoughts when the door opened and Tyler came in with some food in his hands. On the sight of her awake, his eyes softened and he gave a small smile "Hey..." he said quietly.

Wednesday immediately shot up from her bed "How are you—" but she was cup off from the shot of pain in her stomach as she froze mid step and hissed in pain. "Hey! Take it easy now!" Tyler said worriedly as he ran up to her, putting the food on the counter next to her and helping her slowly lay back down. "...aren't you supposed to be in jail?what are you doing here? What is this place? Why did you save me? Isn't laurel your master?" Wednesday couldn't keep the questions in anymore. Tyler remained silence for a while Till Chuckling.
"That...that quite some amount of questions right there...well...let me explain" he started.

"I'm not here to hurt you Wednesday, I never wanted to, to begin with. But I was under control. Manipulated. As you already stated Laurel was my master and I couldn't do anything against her. I Don't know when and how. But you freed me. You are my new master. Not her. I don't know but I think maybe our cars had some type of contact or something once the cops were taking me away, but I felt your presence and I felt that you were panicked, the Hyde inside me recognized you as its master because, i suspect you defeated my previous one and as it felt you begin panicked it associnated it to you begin in danger, so it got triggered. I killed off all the cops in the car and ran away. Have been hiding for couple of months now...while I've got the chance I'd like to apologize to...for everything..." he explained. His voice getting quieter in the end.

Wednesday was honestly shocked from the information
"So...i am your new master now...?" She whispered confusedly. "Yes. Yes you are" Tyler nodded.
"I...don't know what to do with this information..." she said quietly.
Tyler chuckled.
"Of course you don't. That why it was a relief to me to realise you were my master and not anyone else. Even Xavier would frighten me. To be honest Enid too. But I know you close enough to know that you won't hold judges and won't torture me...I shall hope at least..." he ended with nervous chuckle.

"I won't..." Wednesday spoke quietly. Still kind of confused from whole situation.

"Are you ok? I hope I came in time, I already treated the wound and its wrapped up, don't worry I didn't take your clothes off, as you can see you're still wearing them, I just lifted your shirt just enough to work on the wound. I promise I did nothing more." Tyler explained. Wednesday nodded. 

They sat in silence for a while, till Tyler sighed.
"Your friends will be worried...I found your phone in your jackets pocket, i charged It, here, eat this I can call them myself if you'll give me permission to use your phone. You're not in state To walk." He Said as he handed her the food he made.
Wednesday nodded.
"Thank you. And yes." She nodded.
"Who shall I call?" He asked.

Wednesday thought about saying Enid, but she realised that she would probably overreact. She didn't want to stand her whining for hours and such.
She had 6 opinions left.
Someone from nightshades. She let out an sigh.
"Call Xavier." She said. Tyler nodded.
"Alright, goodbye now Wednesday, I'll come back in later, for now rest, if youll need something, just call out for me, ill be downstairs." he said with a smile and got off her bad. A nodd from Wednesday was enough and he left.

Grabbing her phone, he took a swipe at it and entered the call icon, lucky for him, Xaviers name came up first.



avier was looking trough his sketchbook and just looking at his old art. Well. Wednesday's portrait to be more specific, when his phone rang. Looking down at it, his frown opened once he saw Wednesday's name.
Answering it, he greeted with a smile.
"Evening Wednesday! How are you?" He asked.

"...erm...hey– I uh. Its actually Tyler" Tyler spoke from the other side.
Xaviers eyes widened.
"Galpin?! What the fuck?! Aren't you supposed to be in jail?! Wait...WHY DO YOU HAVE WEDNESDAYS PHONE?!" He started yelling as he shot up from his desk.
"Ayo– dude chill‐"
"...i feel like you don't like me..." Tyler said from other side.

Xavier greeted his teeth.
"Galpin. I swear I'll cross a sin if you don't tell me where you two are right now." He warned.

"...fine. come to xxxxxx" Tyler said and hang up.

Immediately, Xavier put on his coat and ran out of his dorm. As soon as he opened his door tho, all dressed up Enid with thing on her shoulder greeted him.
"We heard it. We are coming." She said. Deciding there was no time to argue, Xavier just nodded and all of them were out of gates in no time.


Dw yall. Surprises aren't over yet<3

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