Ch.3-Joining them

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Wednesday was eating lunch the next day when she overheard Yoko Talking to Diviana. "Where were you last night?" Diviana asked. "Out for a walk...I..uh...had a nightmare." Yoko lied quickly. Ignoring rest of the questions Diviana threw at her and quickly walking away. Wednesday frowned.
Already having an suspection, she sat up and went to find Xavier, who just happened to be leaving.

"Xavier!" She called as she walked forwards faster. He turned around, on the sight of her, he smiled. "Hello Wednesday. How can I help you?" He asked as he turned to her.
"I've got couple of questions..." Wednesday spoke. Xavier raised his brows. "Shoot"
"Do nightshades have meetings often?" She asked.
Xavier frowned, not expecting the question at all, "uh...yeah. twice a week?" "Great. Remember you offered me to join? Said i had legacy"
"Um...yes.." Xavier said unsurely.
"I was wondering if it's still available, I changed my mind. I'd like to join" she said. Xaviers eyes widened slightly, he gave a small smile.
"As much as I'd like you with us Wednesday, I'm not the one deciding here. You should ask Bianca. I don't think she'll have anything against it tho" he smiled. "Alright. Thank you. Goodbye Xavier" she nodded. "Goodbye Wednesday" Xavier smiled and with this, he walked away.

After a while of looking,Wednesday found Bianca sitting on one of the benches and filling a notebook. "Bianca" she greeted as she sat opposite her. Bianca looked up, and gave a small smile as she saw her "Hello Wednesday, how are you?" She asked. "Fine. Thank you, I hope I'd receive the same answer" she said, Bianca chuckled. "Yes. I'm good too, thank you. How can I help you?" She asked. Already knowing that Wednesday wouldn't waste her time just asking how she was.
"I have a question..."
"Go on.."
"I was wondering, could I join the nightshades?" She asked.

Bianca seemed to think for a while,
"I don't see why not. As Xavier mentioned last year, you've got a legacy. There's nothing we can have against you" she smiled.
"Thank you" Wednesday nodded.
"Just, there are some rules ok?" Bianca said, taking her tone to whispering zone.
"I'm willing to listen." Wednesday answered.

"1. We do not mentioned the clubs around anyone but the members. Well I guess you can mention it around Enid as she already found out last year" Wednesday nodded.
"2. Everything we discuss there, even the smallest things, stay secret" "noted"
"3. Do not invite members without my permission. not betray the group, members alone count." Again, a nod.
"And lastly, well its not really a rule, more like a perck, but you can use the library anytime as you become the member"
"You get 1 warnings, than you're out. Understood?" Bianca warned "I think I did. Thank you" Wednesday said.

Bianca smiled "Alright. Then I'll be expecting to see you this Friday on 10pm down in library. I'll give you the uniform sometime until than" she said. Wednesday nodded "Goodbye Bianca"
"Goodbye Wednesday" she nodded back.

I've got some surprises for yall further in the story👀

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