Ch.7 the Quad

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As soon as Tyler opened his door, Xavier quite literally took him by the throat and threw him inside, followed by enid with her claws out.
"" Xavier hissed in low voice as he banged Tyler's head against  a wall.
"Don't let me wolf out on you Galpin. The last time didn't end pretty for you" Enid threatened.
Tyler's breath was getting short, he was having trouble breathing. Noticing this, Enids frown opened a bit as she took a hold of Xaviers wrist, "lighten your grip. He can't speak" she whispered. Xaviers glance switched to her but he complied.
Tyler gasped out a breath.
"A-At this point" he coughed
"I'm not even going to try to explain.
She's upstairs. First room you see, she will explain everything herself." He gasped out.

Xavier and Enid shared a simple glance before running upstairs, opening the door rather loudly, Xaviers eyes widened at the sight of her.
"Wednesday! Are you ok?!" He said, running up to her.
Wednesday looked up with a frown
"Uh...yeah? If we don't count the fact that I'm cut in two..." she whispered as she looked down.

Wednesday let out an exhausted sight.
"No Enid. It wasn't him. It was laurel"
Both Xaviers and enids eyes widened.
"Laurel?!" They said in row.
"Yes. Now let me explain" Wednesday stated.

" you're Tyler's new master...?" Xavier asked.
Wednesday nodded
"And he's a good guy right? He's on our side-" Now Enid asked.
"Yes I am. And you're a lucky one Wednesday. You'r boyfriend has some strength. I still feel like chocking wtf" Tyler said with a frown as he walked in, still rubbing his neck.

Enid snorted while Xavier and Wednesday froze. All looking at Tyler like he said something illegal.
"Wha?" He asked. Here Enid lost it all as she rolled on grown wheezing.
"What?!" Tyler asked again.

"We um– we aren't dating..." Xavier said quietly. Rubbing his neck.

"Anyway– you two please come down. I made tea, and we have to talk" Tyler said. Gesturing Xavier and Enid to the door, both walked out.
"We'll see you later Wens!" Enid called out.


"So...what are you gonna do? She won't be able to walk for a good awhile..." Tyler said.
"...we can just leave her here. I mean you ain't going anywhere anyway...and I, personally, will come everyday to check on her " Xavier spoke. Enid nodded as she looked trough her eyelashes from the tea cup she was still sipping from.
"Yes! Me too!" She said and thing tapped besides her. "And thing too!" She added.

Tyler frowned.
"But what are yall gonna tell the principal?" He asked.
"There is no principal for now. They're planning to bring a new one sometime this week. So we've got about 2 days. When they will come, we will just tell them that Wednesday is on vacation, her family doesn't have phone or anything electronic so noone will try to contact them anyway" Xavier said.
Tyler nodded.
"Alright then. We've got ourself a deal"

"Alright, Xavier we should get going too now." Enid said. Xavier nodded

As they walked in Nevermore, a student greeted them. "Finally found you two. The new Principal arrived, she wants to speak to you two" he said and continued his way.
Enid and Xavier shared a glance as they entered the principal office.

In there, sat a woman in what used to be Lrissas chair. On the sight of them, she smiled and took another sip of her coffe.
"Why come in dears"
She spoke as she mentioned to the chairs in front of her desk.
Xavier and Enid walked in and sat down wordlessly.

"I'm guessing you are wondering who I am..." the new principal spoke.

They both nodded.

She smiled.

"Well, Darlings, as you already know I'm your new principal." She said with a sweet smile. 
"Um...miss? What's your name?" Enid asked.

"Morticia Addams Darling, Wednesday's mother..."

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