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— 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨 —

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𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨

' *•.¸.•** . **•.¸.•*'

SOON CAME THE SATURDAY MORNING everybody had been anticipating. Cassiopeia was glad it had come quickly as she needed something to distract her mind from a certain trio.

She was still mad that they had suspected her and her brother of being the heir. She supposed Draco's behaviour hadn't really helped their case, but it still irritated her that they, as well as a couple of other people in the castle, presumed it was them.

Harry had tried to sit next to Cassie in Defence Against the Dark Arts again, but she made it clear she didn't want the boy next to her. Thankfully, he got the message and begrudgingly went back to sitting with Ron.

As Cassie reached the Great Hall, she was quickly reminded of her dilemma about who to root for. Of course, she wanted to root for the Gryffindors – it was her house, after all. As her mother said, she needed to take pride in it. But then her brother was playing for the Slytheirns, so he'd obviously expect her to cheer for his team, especially after she'd been attending some of their practices.

She at least sat with the Slytherins, meaning to give Draco some support before his first match. She could tell how much the Gryffindors were motivated to beat Slytherin, especially due to the new brooms that continued to flaunt every time they had the chance.

As eleven o'clock approached, Cassie began to stand up after wishing Draco luck. But she could barely make her way across the hall as she had been bombarded by Pansy and her gang of Slytherin girls. "The girls and I were headed to watch Draco play, are you coming?"

"I– er..." Cassie looked around for anyone to use as an excuse. Cheering for Slytherin or not, she was definitely not going to the match with Pansy. The girl probably didn't know a thing about the sport and she did not want to spend the whole match explaining to her the basics of the game. "I'm actually going to the match with... him!"

She pointed at the brunet boy not too far away from them. "Who's that?" Pansy asked with a raised brow.

"A friend – Cedric!" she called out to the boy, who turned to her with a confused expression, excusing himself from his friends to approach her. "We were going to the match together, weren't we?" she said, subtly glancing over to the Slytherin girls.

"Oh, yeah, we were," he replied with a knowing smile, and Cassie was thankful he caught on quickly. 

"Okay," said Pansy slowly, still looking at Cassie suspiciously but shrugged anyway, leaving with the other girls. Cassie spotted Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass still staring at Cedric, giggling stupidly.

"Sorry about that, I needed an excuse to get away from them," Cassie explained sheepishly.

"No worries. This is the second time I've saved you now – I guess that makes me your knight in shining armour."

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