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— 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲 —

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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲

' *•.¸.•** . **•.¸.•*'

CASSIOPEIA RAN A BRUSH THROUGH HER HAIR for the umpteenth time. She had become very particular about her hair these days. Scratch that. She was very obsessed with her hair, among other things.

It had only been a month she had spent in her grandfather's home and yet it felt like an entire year. Everything she disliked about herself had turned into hate. Every thought that contradicted the views of a Malfoy was pushed deep down, either by her own willpower or forcibly by her grandfather.

Since the minute she arrived, Abraxas Malfoy had already expressed his several problems with her. How her being a Gryffindor was scandalous and shameful and found her distasteful for having to sleep next to a mudblood every night. How she should've inherited more Malfoy features other than blonde hair as she looked to much like a Black. And, most importantly, how repulsed he was to learn she was a 'mudblood-lover'.

Of course, with such little time, he took it upon himself to make sure all her faults were fixed. Though Cassiopeia gave in to his treatment, believing wholeheartedly that she brought it all on herself and she deserved it.

From then she only wore skirts and dresses — after all, what pureblood would want to marry a girl who dressed boyish? That was according to her grandfather anyway. She constantly reminded herself that mudbloods, muggles and half-breeds were abominations and her blood made her superior to any other. She told herself that it didn't matter whether Sirius was innocent or not, he was disowned for a reason and he shouldn't be any of her concern.

And even if she were to forget any of this, the message carved onto the back of her right hand would ensure she would remember. I must remember the Malfoy way. It hurt for a while and the message was most likely permanent since she wrote it so many times. Perhaps it would fade away over time. She deserved it, she had to tell herself every time she looked down at the mark.

She had finally put down the brush after using it for the past quarter of an hour. Her icy blue eyes stared back at her as she stared into the mirror for the last time. Cassie felt a new spirit of determination — she would no longer second guess her decisions. She had to be the perfect pureblood.

She went downstairs to the entrance hall. Thankfully, her grandfather's house-elf had taken her trunk to her own home so she didn't need to worry about lugging it all the way. Already standing by the fireplace was her grandfather with a hard look on his face that never failed to make Cassie shiver.

"I hope you are prepared to go home."

"Yes, grandfather," she answered in a quiet voice.

"Good. And do not let me hear anything else of your behaviour, or I will drag you back here myself. I will not have you disgrace the house my forefathers built just because of your carelessness and disregard," he snarled before passing her a small bag. She took it and quickly stepped towards the fire.

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