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— 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 —

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𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫

' *•.¸.•** . **•.¸.•*'

CASSIOPEIA LOVED HER FAMILY WITH ALL HER HEART, don't get her wrong, but she had never been so infuriated with the three of them as she had been right now.

Her mother for entertaining her twin's stupid wishes. Her father for frightening the committee into executing Buckbeak. But most of all she was furious with her brother. His persistent teasing, his spiteful teasing and his constant need to make everyone's lives around him worse. Perhaps at first, she didn't mind his jeers at the trio. After all, she hadn't liked them either. But the more she began to warm up to them, the more she realised Draco was almost always in the wrong.

This was happening again as Cassiopeia was walking back to the castle with Draco from their Care of Magical Creatures lesson and the trio was comforting Hagrid. Draco kept looking back, laughing derisively with Crabbe and Goyle. As Hagrid walked back into his cabin, Draco said loudly, "Look at him blubber!"

He seemed to gain the attention of Harry, Ron and Hermione as they began to move towards him. "Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic? And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

Cassiopeia would've told him to shut up but Hermione beat her to it, stepping to him furiously and punching Draco right in the face, so hard that he staggered backwards with a moan. Cassie put her hand to her mouth, suppressing a laugh, not even bothering to help.

Hermione raised her hand again. "Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul — you evil—!"

"Hermione!" said Ron weakly, trying to grab her hand back.

"Get off, Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, then pulled out her wand. Draco stepped backwards while Crabbe and Goyle looked at him expectantly.

"C'mon," Draco muttered, taking Cassie's hand to pull her with him, though she shrugged it off, glaring at him. After all, he got himself into it. In turn, he sneered at her before disappearing into the castle with his goons.

"Never would've taken you for the violent type, Hermione," remarked Cassiopeia, her glare fading to an amused grin.

"Oh, Cassiopeia! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have punched him!" she apologised.

"Don't be! Even I have to admit, he's had it coming for weeks," said Cassie, shrugging.

Hermione nodded, and then the fury rushed back to her face as she turned to Harry. "Harry, you'd better beat him in the quidditch final! You just better had, because I can't stand it if Slytherin win!"

"We're due in Charms," said Ron, still goggling at Hermione. "We'd better go."

Cassiopeia decided to join the three to Charms as she had the class with them. "You're late, you three!" said Professor Flitwick as they entered the classroom.

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