Shady People

547 13 1

TW: death, guns, blood, alcohol mention, sexual tension, character death


POV: Poltergeist

Waking up the next day, a pounding ache in my head and my throat dry as a dessert reminded me of last night. Struggling to gain the energy to move, the first thing I noticed - other then the multitude of pains and aches in my body - was who I was laying on: König. He was softly snoring, his shirt and mask missing. Small and large hickies dotted his scar-marred skin, mainly around his collarbones and neck. His lips were a deeper red then normal, almost seeming bruised. I took a moment to admire his face. His cleft lip, the scar that ran over his nose, the Glasgow smile he had, the small cuts and nicks that scattered his skin. My eyes drifted to his chest, taking a moment to look it over. He was tanner then me or Ghost, closer to Johnny's skin tone despite how often his skin was covered by clothes. 

Jagged scars criss-crossed over his pecks, a particularly deep one just under his ribcage. Running my fingers over it, I heard - and felt - him let out a soft whine. I smiled a little, before my eyes wandered further down. He had his pants on, and from what I could feel I did too. Good, that boundary hadn't been crossed. A warm arm around my waist drew my attention from König's pale blonde hair, looking down to see Johnny securely clung to me, arm around my waist and leg pinning mine as he softly snored. His mohawk was getting longer, the wild strands reaching the tops of his ears now, and marks like those on König's neck were speckled over his neck and collarbones. Looking around, I spotted Ghost. Laying across from Johnny, his arm laid on my back and hand rested on my shoulder. Looking down, I was admiring his sleeve of tattoos when I spotted something new: three small cuts over the heart he had tattooed into the back of his wrist. 

A confused feeling washed over me as I reached a hand out to gently trace the cuts. A smaller scar ran under them, and I wondered what the marks meant. Feeling the air in the room shift, I looked up at Ghost. He was awake, looking down at me and watching my fingers trace the cuts and tattoos. Cool blue eyes under wavy hazel hair looked at me, a mix of sleep and varying emotions mingling. A small smile played on his face, before a low whine caught our attention, both of us looking up to see König waking up. Sleepy grey eyes looked down at us all, a blush already creeping across his features. "Guten Morgen, König." I said softly, reaching a hand up to caress his cheek. 

A small shy smile played on his features, and he leaned into my hand. A soft groan from Ghost as he shifted to bury his face into my shoulder - presumably to hide from the lights we'd left on - reminded me of the massive headaches we all sported. I wanted to get up, get to my dresser where I'd stashed pain meds, but I didn't want to risk moving Johnny, who was buried into my side with a happy smile in his sleep. Ghost looked down at the softly snoring Johnny, a small smile playing on his features. I felt König's arm over my shoulder shift as he reached to touch the marks on his neck that - presumably - me, Ghost and Johnny had left. A small amazed look spread over his face. I chuckled, earning a groan from Johnny in his sleep and Ghost's arm pushing on my back to keep me still. Smiling softly, I leaned up carefully to plant a gentle kiss on König's nose. Ghost watched, and I turned to him with a gentle smile. 

Seeing the question in my eyes, Ghost's eyes softened and he nodded a little. Leaning to him, I planted a similar kiss on his nose too. "Mmmm I wan oneee." Looking down at Johnny, I saw him looking up at me, still mostly asleep but also pouting. I couldn't help but chuckle a little, leaning down to plant the same kiss on his nose too. "Mmm, thanks." A sleepy and loopy-looking smile was plastered on Johnny's face, earning a chuckle from Ghost and small giggles from me and König. I squirmed a little, letting the three of them know I wanted to get up. My response from them was arms tightening around me and half-hearted grumbles. I chuckled, squirming more. "Noooo, stayyy." Johnny whined, clinging more as Ghost chuckled and König's hand on my back gripped more. 

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